Die Bahnstrecke zwischen Hamburg und Berlin ist bis voraussichtlich Mittwoch gesperrt. Der Grund: Bei einem Brand zwischen Friesack und Paulinenaue in Brandenburg wurde ein technischer Sicherheitskasten zerstört
Verteidigungsministerin Christine Lambrecht schließt die Entsendung weiterer Bundeswehr-Soldaten nach Litauen nicht aus. Etwa 600 Bundeswehr-Soldaten sind bereits in dem Land an der Nato-Ostflanke stationiert
3 Jahr zuvorThe US military response to Russia's buildup around Ukraine has a name: Combined Joint Task Force Dragon. "Combat capable forces who stand ready to enhance the Alliance's ability to deter and defeat Russian aggression
US Department of State: The U.S. condemns the Russian government's decision to shut down the Moscow office of DeutscheWelle. We stand in solidarity with Deutsche Welle and Germany in the face of Moscow's crackdown on independent media, political opposition, and civil society
German government official: Ukraine/Russia, China, and the G7 will be discussed during the Scholz meeting with Biden
Scholz will travel on 14.2 first to Kyiv and then to Moscow (February 15)
Russia to close correspondent's office of Deutsche Welle, revokes accreditation of all Deutsche Welle reporters, proclaim Deutsche Welle as "Foreign agent", prohibit broadcasting of DW in Russia via cable networks or satellite, to create blacklist of those connected to shutdown of "RT DE" - Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Russia to announce retaliatory measures against German media today due to RT DE broadcast ban - Russian Foreign Ministry
Bei Corona-Protesten in Thüringen sind am Mittwochabend drei Polizisten und zwei Demonstranten verletzt worden. Das teilt die @Polizei_Thuer mit. Insgesamt gingen 6.000 Menschen auf die Straße, in Erfurt gab es eine Gegendemo
Germany's Scholz says will travel to Moscow 'soon' to discuss Ukraine
.@NATO SecGen welcomes US decision to send more troops to the alliance's Eastern Flank - Poland, Romania, Germany. "This is a powerful signal of US commitment" per @jensstoltenberg
US will deploy more than 3,000 troops to Poland, Germany and Romania amid Ukraine crisis: WSJ
Germany's media regulators have banned broadcasting of the German-language TV channel of Russian state broadcaster RT
The pumping of gas through Yamal-Europe pipeline has stopped. Gazprom has booked capacity today, but not used it
Gazprom booked the capacity of the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline at the end of the gas day on February 1 from 0:00 to 8:00 Moscow time in the amount of 1.6 million cubic meters per hour. Yamal-Europe has not pumped gas in the forward direction (from east to west) since December 21 last year
Zelensky, asked about Germany's role in the crisis, says Berlin has important influence in Europe. "That's why we expect you to help us"
Victoria Nuland @UnderSecStateP says Nord Stream 2 "will not move forward" if Russia invade Ukraine, which goes farther than what Germany has said publicly
3 Jahr zuvorOfficial announcement of German chancellor's visit to DC to meet with Biden on Feb 7
Germany working on "strong package of sanctions" for Russia if it invades Ukraine, covering aspects "including Nord Stream 2" pipeline: foreign minister
US has "absolute confidence in German solidarity" said @SecBlinken when asked about Berlin ruling out sending lethal weapons to Ukraine
Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko says Germany's supply of 5,000 military helmets is "a joke" that left him "speechless"
Germany to ship 5000 military helmets to Ukraine amid tensions with Russia, German Defence Minister Lambrecht says
Macron warns Russia will pay 'very high price' if Ukraine will be attacked
Macron says France, Germany 'united' on need for Ukraine deescalation
German Chancellor: Russia's threats to Ukraine will cost it dearly
3 Jahr zuvorNATO Sec Gen Stoltenberg on whether he's disappointed in Germany says only that Berlin has agreed to send the same message(s) and provide same reinforcements as all other allies
Heidelberg: 4 wounded in Germany university shooting; gunman dead
3 Jahr zuvorThe deceased gunman who injured several people at Heidelberg University was a student and there is no indication at this point his attack was politically motivated, sources tell dpa
Several injured and the assailant killed in a shooting at a German university - police
Heidelberg: Großeinsatzlage im NeuenheimerFeld; mehrere Verletze. Polizei und Rettungskräfte mit starken Kräften vor Ort. Wir halten Euch auf dem Laufenden, sobald Näheres bekannt ist