27 Juni 2024
1 Monat zuvor
Bundesregierung: Wir verurteilen die russischen Cyberangriffe auf die SPD
1 Monat zuvor
Germany Foreign Minister says Russia will face consequences for a cyber attack allegedly orchestrated by a group with ties to its military intelligence
1 Monat zuvor
The US military has withdrawn troops from a French military base in Chad after the country demanded they leave last month, and have relocated to Germany, a Pentagon spokesperson and other sources familiar with the matter told CNN on Wednesday
The International Court of Justice rejects Nicaragua's case against Germany over support for the Gaza genocide
Olaf Scholz demands “consequences” following an extremist Islamist rally in Hamburg that called for establishing a “caliphate.” “All Islamist activities must be tackled using the possibilities and options of our constitutional state … All criminal offenses must be prosecuted.”1 Monat zuvor
Olaf Scholz demands “consequences” following an extremist Islamist rally in Hamburg that called for establishing a “caliphate.” “All Islamist activities must be tackled using the possibilities and options of our constitutional state … All criminal offenses must be prosecuted.”
2 Monat zuvor
Two Kyrgyzstanis accused of creating terrorist association in GermanyAccording to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Germany, the accused were in contact with the terrorist group Wilayat Khorasan
2 Monat zuvor
The German government: We will soon resume cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza
2 Monat zuvor
Police have arrested a staff member of the German far-right Alternative for Germany party on suspicion of espionage for China. The employee is said to work for the AfD's top candidate for the European Parliament elections, Maximilian Krah
2 Monat zuvor
Auswärtiges Amt: Der Verdacht, dass Putin in unserem Land Agenten rekrutiert, um Anschläge auf deutschem Boden durchzuführen, ist äußerst schwerwiegend. Wir werden nicht zulassen, dass Putin seinen Terror nach Deutschland bringt. Dies wurde dem russischen Botschafter heute während einer Vorladung mitgeteilt.
2 Monat zuvor
Russian Embassy in Germany: We have not received notification regarding the detention of Russian citizens suspected of espionage in Berlin
2 Monat zuvor
Two alleged Russian spies arrested: German prosecutors
2 Monat zuvor
The British and German Foreign Ministers will visit Israel in order to pressure it not to respond to Iran
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Gaza needs a temporary humanitarian truce
De-escalation attempt: Annalena Baerbock will travel to Israel this afternoon.We will talk about how further escalation can be prevented", the German Foreign Minister said at presser with Jordan's Ayman Safadi.She added that the EU must "finally" agree new Iran sanctions2 Monat zuvor
De-escalation attempt: Annalena Baerbock will travel to Israel this afternoon."We will talk about how further escalation can be prevented", the German Foreign Minister said at presser with Jordan's Ayman Safadi.She added that the EU must "finally" agree new Iran sanctions
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: We are working with Jordan to ensure that the largest possible amount of aid reaches the Gaza Strip
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Berlin supports Israel and the Iranian attack on Tel Aviv will have consequences
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip must be increased
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Iran must stop the proxy war it is conducting through the Houthis and others
2 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Iran is currently isolated and its government has brought the region to the brink of abyss
Iran summons UK, France and Germany ambassadors over their condemnation of its attack on Israel
2 Monat zuvor
Germany: Iranian strikes on Israel may plunge the region into "chaos"
Präsident Selenskyj telefonierte mit Bundeskanzler Scholz und bedankte sich für die Lieferung zusätzlicher Patriot-Luftabwehrsysteme2 Monat zuvor
Präsident Selenskyj telefonierte mit Bundeskanzler Scholz und bedankte sich für die Lieferung zusätzlicher Patriot-Luftabwehrsysteme
2 Monat zuvor
Germany calls on its citizens to leave Iran
Germany’s @lufthansa has extended the suspension of its flights to and from Tehran until Thursday, April 18, due to the current situation in the Middle East, @dpa_intl reported, citing a company spokesperson
Security in Dusseldorf arrested teenagers who planned terrorist acts in the name of ISIS Khorasan
Germany arrests 3 teenagers who are suspected with planning an islamist attack
2 Monat zuvor
Iranian Foreign Minister: We do not seek to expand the scope of the war in the region
2 Monat zuvor
Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock discussed the tense situation in the Middle East with her Iranian counterpart and urged all sides to act responsibly and exercise restraint, the foreign ministry in Berlin said on Thursday
Iran’s FM told his German counterpart that “the reason why Germany's efforts to establish a cease-fire in Gaza have been fruitless should be found in the lack of German neutrality in this genocide”
2 Monat zuvor
Reuters: German Lufthansa airlines suspends its flights to and from Tehran until tomorrow, Thursday, due to the current situation in the Middle East