28 September 2024
Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin: Ich bin von der Möglichkeit einer Einigung über die Hilfe für die Ukraine überzeugt
8 Monat zuvor
Germany Foreign Minister @ABaerbock and Polish Foreign Minister @SikorskiRadek at a joint press availability in Berlin
Präsident Selenskyj telefonierte mit Bundeskanzler Scholz8 Monat zuvor
Präsident Selenskyj telefonierte mit Bundeskanzler Scholz
President of the European Central Bank: The world may witness more "tax fragmentation" and it must fix the situation
NATO plans to mobilize 90,000 soldiers for the biggest military exercise since the Cold War
8 Monat zuvor
Olaf Scholz: Präsident Biden und ich sind uns einig: Wir wollen die Ukraine weiter finanziell, humanitär und militärisch unterstützen. Dazu haben ich heute mit @POTUS telefoniert. Deutschland unterstützt 2024 mit mehr als sieben Milliarden Euro durch militärische Güter
8 Monat zuvor
Hapag-Lloyd Shipping Company welcomes the measures taken by U.S. and Britain to secure passage in the Red Sea
8 Monat zuvor
Germany: We support strikes against the Houthis to prevent further attacks in the Red Sea
8 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Ministry: The recent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea show a clear escalation
8 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: We must ensure that aid reaches the people of Gaza
8 Monat zuvor
Baerbock: We will not accept the displacement of Palestinians, whether from the West Bank or Gaza
8 Monat zuvor
Baerbock: We agree with Egypt that peace will not be achieved except with a two-state solution
8 Monat zuvor
Baerbock: Israel must do more to protect civilians in Gaza
8 Monat zuvor
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We must work to restore political prospects to reach a two-state solution
8 Monat zuvor
German FM Calls on Israel to Ease its Military Campaign in Gaza
8 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Ministry: There should be no occupation of the Gaza Strip
German public radio broadcaster says it decided to no longer post on Twitter/X8 Monat zuvor
German public radio broadcaster says it decided to no longer post on Twitter/X
9 Monat zuvor
Auf der Sonnenallee in Neukölln gibt es trotz Demo-Verbot eine pro-Palästina Demo. Teilnehmer rufen „Freiheit für Palästina“ b3112 @welt
9 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Ministry: Serbia has voted, but @osce_odihr reports misuse of public resources, voter intimidation and cases of vote buying. This is unacceptable for a country with EU candidate status
9 Monat zuvor
German Foreign Minister: Lebanese Hezbollah and other militias must withdraw from the Blue Line
9 Monat zuvor
The German Public Prosecutor announces the arrest of 4 Hamas members
10 Monat zuvor
Among the hostages released yesterday, there are again four German-Israeli nationals. Our thoughts are with them and with all those who remain in the hands of Hamas. We are working tirelessly to ensure that they too will soon be free, - FM @abaerbock
Der Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte der Ukraine, Zaluzhny, sprach über die Einsätze der Verteidigungskräfte und die Lage auf dem Schlachtfeld im „Ramstein-Format".
European Parliament proposes radical and ambitious reform of the treaties - ending unanimity and creating a defence union10 Monat zuvor
European Parliament proposes radical and ambitious reform of the treaties - ending unanimity and creating a defence union
10 Monat zuvor
Deutschland verspricht der Ukraine neue Militärhilfe im Wert von 1,3 Milliarden Euro
10 Monat zuvor
German Chancellor: Berlin needs large quantities of hydrogen to achieve "carbon neutrality"
The former head of Germany’s domestic intelligence has written that Germany needs “chemotherapy” to “heal” from foreigners with an alien culture10 Monat zuvor
The former head of Germany’s domestic intelligence has written that Germany needs “chemotherapy” to “heal” from "foreigners with an alien culture"
10 Monat zuvor
'Never again' is now: Scholz vows to protect Germany's Jews
10 Monat zuvor
German Chancellor: Israel has the right to defend itself against "Hamas terrorism."
10 Monat zuvor
Hostage situation continues at Hamburg Airport. "The police ask all passengers and those collecting them NOT to come to the airport. The access roads are largely blocked off