Vācijas kanclere Šolcs saka, ka Trampa raksturojums par Zelenski kā "diktatoru" ir nepareizs un bīstams
5 diena atpakaļKanclere Šolcs: Tā ir sarežģīta situācija Eiropai. Mēs atzinīgi vērtējam sarunas par mieru Ukrainā. Bet tam ir jābūt godīgam un ilgtspējīgam mieram. Un: Ukrainai ir jābūt daļai no šīm sarunām. Eiropa turpinās atbalstīt Ukrainu. To es uzsvēru, tiekoties ar @ZelenskyyUa
Vācijas kanclere Parīzes sanāksmē par Ukrainu: Kijevai nevar uzspiest nekādus diktātus
At a rally in Düsseldorf: Man attacks AfD speaker. The "Düsseldorf Alliance" had called for the protest. Posters read: "Human rights instead of right-wing people" or "All of Düsseldorf hates the AfD"
According to ZDF information, US Vice President JD Vance met with AfD leader Alice Weidel in the afternoon after his speech at the Munich Security Conference. They spoke for about 30 minutes. They discussed Ukraine war and German domestic policy - including the firewall.
Vācijas kanclere Šolcs: Krievijas uzvara vai Ukrainas sabrukums nedos mieru
Šolcs saka, ka ASV ir pareizi, pieprasot vairāk Eiropas ieguldījumu Eiropas drošībā. Aicina "Neko par Ukrainu bez ukraiņiem. Un neko par Eiropu bez eiropiešiem"
1 nedēļa atpakaļŠolcs aicina izveidot Zeitenwende 2.0, reaģējot uz nesenajām ASV iniciatīvām. "Nepieciešama skaidra, ātra un izlēmīga Eiropas atbilde. Ne kādreiz, bet tagad". aicina masveidā palielināt militāros izdevumus, reformēt parādu bremzes un veicināt diskusiju ES par ieguldījumiem aizsardzībā
German police: Munich ramming suspect is Afghan asylum seeker
Vācijas kompānija Helsing piegādās Ukrainai 6000 trieciendronu HX-2
German police: Injuries in Munich hit-and-run
In Munich, a car is said to have driven into a crowd of people. Apparently, several people are injured
Vācijas aizsardzības ministrs pauda nožēlu, ka Trampa administrācija jau ir piekāpusies Krievijai, piebilstot, ka Ukrainas iespējamā dalība NATO un jautājums par to, vai tai būtu jāpiešķir Krievijai teritorija, nav jānoņem no galda pirms sarunu sākuma.
German Foreign Ministry expresses concern over attack on El Fasher
2 nedēļa atpakaļIn Brandenburg an der Havel there were protests today against an AfD election campaign event. Around 200 people took part in an Antifa demonstration. The AfD event attracted around 250 people, including several young neo-Nazis.
Protests in Germany: More than 200,000 people demonstrate in Munich against the far right
Šolcs saka, ka Vācija nepiedalīsies miera uzturēšanas spēkos Ukrainā
2 nedēļa atpakaļSyria's President al-Sharaa spoke with the German Chancellor
2 nedēļa atpakaļ79 countries, including Canada, France, Germany, and the UK, issue a joint statement defending the ICC amid threats and sanctions. They warn that punitive measures undermine global justice and risk impunity for war crimes
Germany and other NATO countries have discussed "sending troops" to Greenland in response to Trump's remarks
Scholz: Germany strongly opposes deportation of Palestinians from Gaza
German Foreign Minister: Gaza, like the West Bank and East Jerusalem, belongs to the Palestinians
2 nedēļa atpakaļProtests against coalition negotiations between FPÖ and ÖVP
Vācietis Olafs Šolcs nosodīja Donaldu Trampu par viņa prasību saistīt Ukrainas palīdzību ar retzemju piegādēm: "Būtu ļoti savtīgi un ļoti egocentriski teikt: mēs tagad izmantojam naudu aizsardzības atbalsta finansēšanai." Šie līdzekļi, lai finansētu valsts atjaunošanu pēc kara
Live blog on the new Bundestag election: 700 police officers secure the CDU party conference - protests are forming. A speech by Union Chancellor candidate Merz is scheduled for the afternoon
2 nedēļa atpakaļ"Germany for the Germans, foreigners out." and "We'll deport them all."The AfD youth organization "Junge Alternative" used these Nazi slogans to mourn its dissolution. The members announced that they would join the AfD and continue their right-wing extremist group .On Saturday, the "Junge Alternative" decided to disband at its federal congress in Apolda. The approximately 250 participants left their event around midday
2 nedēļa atpakaļIn Berlin today there were further protests against the Merz CDU's pandering to the AfD. Around 200,000 people took part in a rally in front of the Reichstag with a demo to the CDU headquarters
Numerous cities are experiencing protests against the CDU's migration policy. A continuation on Sunday is planned
3 nedēļa atpakaļIn Falkensee near Berlin, there were protests today against an AfD election rally. Around 500 people took part in an Antifa demonstration. The extreme right-wing party mobilized around 150 like-minded people, including a group of neo-Nazis
Germany's conservative opposition leader is set to again seek far-right support in parliament on the flashpoint issue of immigration, after his first effort sparked widespread condemnation and street protests