19 Septembris 2024
5 diena atpakaļ
UAE Foreign Minister and German counterpart discuss regional and international developments, especially the situation in the Middle East, over the phone
A very important agreement, is how @Bundeskanzler Scholz describes the new migration agreement between Germany and Kenya. Skilled workers or prospective trainees should be able to come to Germany more easily and repatriation for Kenyans without a right of residence should be simplified5 diena atpakaļ
"A very important agreement," is how @Bundeskanzler Scholz describes the new migration agreement between Germany and Kenya. Skilled workers or prospective trainees should be able to come to Germany more easily and repatriation for Kenyans without a right of residence should be simplified
The migration agreement between Germany and Kenya is a win-win situation for both countries, says Kenya's President William Samoei Ruto. The agreement is intended to promote the recruitment of skilled workers from Kenya and facilitate the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers5 diena atpakaļ
The migration agreement between Germany and Kenya is a "win-win situation" for both countries, says Kenya's President William Samoei Ruto. The agreement is intended to promote the recruitment of skilled workers from Kenya and facilitate the repatriation of rejected asylum seekers
The "Article Law on the Turning Point" and the additional agreement with Lithuania are "extremely important steps" on the path of the Lithuania Brigade, said Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. It allows soldiers to serve more flexibly and improves the framework conditions. @BMVg_Bundeswehr
5 diena atpakaļ
Vācijas valdība: Berlīne nepiegādā un nepiegādās Ukrainai ieročus, kas nepieciešami, lai sāktu uzbrukumus Krievijas iekšienē
German warship passing through the Taiwan Strait Track Baden-Württemberg (F222) Current Position / Location - Baden-Württemberg Military Ship Tracker - German Navy5 diena atpakaļ
German warship passing through the Taiwan Strait Track Baden-Württemberg (F222) Current Position / Location - Baden-Württemberg Military Ship Tracker - German Navy
5 diena atpakaļ
Vācijas aizsardzības ministrs par Ukrainas apbruņošanu: ikvienam, kurš piegādā ieročus, ir jāizlemj, kā tie tiks izmantoti, un tas ir noteikts starptautiskajās tiesībās
5 diena atpakaļ
Germany arrests suspected Islamist for planning attack on soldiers: prosecutors
6 diena atpakaļ
German and Swiss police and emergency services dealing with incidents in southern German city of Constance and Switzerland's Kreuzlingen; manhunt underway for 19-year-old armed suspect
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today6 diena atpakaļ
German frigate Baden-Württemberg and replenishment ship Frankfurt am Main are about to transit the Taiwan Strait today
6 diena atpakaļ
NATO's Jens Stoltenberg will be the new Munich Security Conference chief
1 nedēļa atpakaļ
German President: Egypt plays pivotal role in delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip
1 nedēļa atpakaļ
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser will on Monday announce temporary border controls at all of Germany's land borders in order to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from Islamist extremism, a government source told Reuters
Prezidents Zelenskis Vācijā tikās ar federālo kancleru Olafu Šolcu
ASV aizsardzības ministrs: Mēs turpināsim sniegt atbalstu Ukrainai, līdz tā ražos savus ieročus
ASV aizsardzības ministrs Loids Ostins: Vašingtona šodien paziņo par jaunu militāro palīdzību Ukrainai 250 miljonu dolāru vērtībā
ASV aizsardzības ministrs: pasaule kļūs bīstamāka, ja Ukraina neuzvarēs
ASV aizsardzības ministrs: Baidens šodien paziņos par jaunu militārās palīdzības paketi Ukrainai
ASV aizsardzības ministrs: Mēs izmantojam iesaldētos Krievijas līdzekļus, lai finansētu ieroču iegādi Ukrainai
Zelenskis apstiprināja, ka ieradies Ramšteinas gaisa bāzē Vācijā, lai piedalītos Ukrainas aizsardzības kontaktgrupas sanāksmē.
1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Munich police said the shooting at Israel consulate was a terror act
1 nedēļa atpakaļ
German police: Munich shooting suspect dead
1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Active shooter, incident ongoing near Munich's Israel consulate
Shots fired outside Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany - @RonenSteinke1 nedēļa atpakaļ
Shots fired outside Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany - @RonenSteinke
2 nedēļa atpakaļ
German Foreign Ministry: There is no military solution to Gaza or the situation in the West Bank
2 nedēļa atpakaļ
Germany's AfD is projected to win in regional elections in Thuringia — the first time for a German far-right party since 1945
The latest forecast for the state election in Thuringia. ltwthüringen2 nedēļa atpakaļ
The latest forecast for the state election in Thuringia. ltwthüringen
.⁦@CDU⁩ remains the strongest political force in Sachsen. In Thűringen  as expected it is AfD as the strongest party2 nedēļa atpakaļ
.⁦@CDU⁩ remains the strongest political force in Sachsen. In Thűringen as expected it is AfD as the strongest party
According to information from @gabonn, an explosion occurred this morning at DynITEC in Troisdorf, injuring several people. The company belongs to Diehl Defence and is one of the most important suppliers of explosives for Diehl Defence, Rheinmetall and other companies
2 nedēļa atpakaļ
Germany deports Afghan nationals for first time since Taliban takeover in 2021