German Foreign Ministry spokesperson on possible Middle East evacuations: there is a false sense of security among citizens in Lebanon @Reuters
German Lufthansa: Suspending flights to Tel Aviv, Tehran and Beirut until August 12
Due to a fire in a cable duct in the German capital Berlin, there are disruptions to long-distance, regional and commuter services, rail operator Deutsche Bahn says
The German government has deported the Iran government-linked Imam of the Islamic Center in Berlin, Nasir Niknejad, according to information obtained by Iran International's correspondent in Berlin
Biden thanked 5 allied countries—Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Turkey—for helping clinch prisoner deal "This is a powerful example of why it's vital to have friends in this world whom you can trust and depend upon" Biden says
Pēc The Insider ziņām, Krievija ir atbrīvojusi: - Evanu Gerškoviču, - Vladimiru Kara-Murzu (ārvalstu aģentu), - Lilijau Čaniševu, - Iļju Jašinu (ārvalstu aģentu), - Kseniju Fadejevu, - Andreju Pivovarovu, - Polu Velanu, - Alsu Kurmaševu., - Oļegs Orlovs (ārvalstu aģents), - Saša Skočiļenko, - Dīters Voroņins, - Kevins Liks, - Riko Krīgers, - Patriks Šēbels, - Hermanis Moižess, - Vadims Ostaņins. Apmaiņā pret žurnālistiem, cilvēktiesību aktīvistiem un opozicionāriem, kā arī bijušo amerikāņu jūras kājnieku, Rietumvalstis piekrita padoties: - Vadims Krasikovs (no Vācijas), - Artjoms Duļcevs (no Slovēnijas), - Anna Duļceva (no Slovēnijas), - Mihails Mikušins (no Norvēģijas), — Pāvels Rubcovs (no Polijas), — Romāns Seļezņevs (no ASV), — Vladislavs Kļušins (no ASV), — Vadims Konoščenko (no ASV).
German Lufthansa Group: Extending the cancellation of flights to and from Beirut until August 12
German airline Lufthansa temporarily suspends all flights to Israel from this evening until August 8
2 mēnesis atpakaļ In the coming hours there will be an exchange of prisoners between the Russian Federation, the USA, Germany and Belarus, - Slovenian TV channel. 2 Russian spies caught in Slovenia also will be exchanged
German Foreign Ministry: Cyberspace is not a lawless space – China must refrain from unacceptable cyberattacks like the one conducted against the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in 2021. We strongly condemn such attacks targeted at institutions relevant for our critical infrastructure
German electoral reforms aimed at limiting the size of parliament are in parts unconstitutional, the Federal Constitutional Court rules
BASF in Ludwigshafen: 15 slightly injured in explosion
Fire on BASF site in Ludwigshafen extinguished
German Foreign Ministry: The announced election results are not enough to dispel doubts about the vote count in Venezuela. We call for the publication of detailed results for all polling stations and access to all voting and election documents for opposition and observers
German Foreign Ministry: The death penalty is an inhumane punishment that we reject. It is intolerable how the Belarusian government is parading a German on TV. We are in contact with him and his family and are doing everything we can to ensure that his rights are respected
Two Russian men arrested in Hamburg and 'Herzogtum Lauenburg' county on suspicion of membership in and providing material support for the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State: federal prosecutor general
Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned German ambassador to Tehran over banning an Islamic center is Germany
Germany has banned the Islamic Center of Hamburg after police raids across the country. @UANI provided evidence to the German government last year of ICH's links to IRGC militants and Hezbollah which contributed to its decision
Berlin Airport announces the suspension of all flights until 8:00 GMT due to technical malfunctions
Berlin Airport suspending all flights due to IT problems
Police detained 4 suspects - 3 in Spain and 1 in Germany - as part of an investigation into the sale of drone parts to Hezbollah
Krievijas ārlietu ministra vietnieks Rjabkovs draud izvietot kodollādiņus vidēja darbības rādiusa raķetēm, reaģējot uz ASV raķešu izvietošanu Vācijā
Vācija nākamgad uz pusi samazinās militāro palīdzību Ukrainai
The German Foreign Ministry on Hungary's rotating presidency of the European Union: Hungary caused great damage during only 12 days of its presidency of the Union
Kremļa runasvīrs par ASV plāniem Vācijā izvietot tāla darbības rādiusa raķetes: visi aukstā kara atribūti atgriežas ar konfrontāciju, ar tiešu konfrontāciju. Vācija, ASV, Francija, Lielbritānija ir tieši iesaistītas konfliktā ap Ukrainu
Krievijas vēstnieks Vācijā Sergejs Ņečajevs brīdinājis Vācijas valdību par turpmāku attiecību pasliktināšanos starp Maskavu un Berlīni, ja ASV, kā paziņots, tur izvietos tāla darbības rādiusa raķetes.
3 mēnesis atpakaļ NATO ģenerālsekretārs Jenss Stoltenbergs paziņoja, ka Krievijas mēģinājumi iebiedēt NATO, plānojot Rheinmetall izpilddirektora slepkavību, nav atsevišķi incidenti. Tā vietā, lai atturētu palīdzību Ukrainai, šīs darbības mudinās NATO sabiedrotos palielināt savu atbalstu
NATO ģenerālsekretārs: ASV tāla darbības rādiusa raķešu izvietošana Vācijā liecina par ASV apņemšanos nodrošināt Eiropas drošību
CNN: ASV un Vācija izjauca Krievijas plānu noslepkavot spēcīgā Vācijas ieroču ražotāja Rheinmetall izpilddirektoru, kas ražo čaulas un aprīkojumu Ukrainai. @NatashaBertrand ar @KatieBoLillis @fpleitgenCNN
German Federal government bans Huawei and ZTE technology from China in 5G mobile networks here