10 Cotmeh 2024
1 year ago
Almanya dê çar tankên şer ên sereke Leopard 2 yên din ji stokên Bundeswehr radestî Ukraynayê bike, ku hejmara giştî bibe 18.
At around 4 a.m. today, a fire broke out in a vacant low-rise building in Dresden-Prohlis. Nobody was injured. The police have launched an investigation into arson. More reports from the Dresden police department:1 year ago
At around 4 a.m. today, a fire broke out in a vacant low-rise building in Dresden-Prohlis. Nobody was injured. The police have launched an investigation into arson. More reports from the Dresden police department:
1 year ago
Germany has declared two employees of the Iranian embassy personae non gratae and ordered them to leave the country in protest over Iran sentencing a German national to death
Perwerdekirina leşkerên Ukraynayê li Almanyayê pêşaniya me ya sereke ye. Wezîrê Parastinê Pistorius îro serdana Navenda Perwerdehiyê ya Hêzên Çekdar ên Bundeswehr li Munsterê dike, li wir ew ê mîsyona perwerdehiya EUMAM ji bo hêzên çekdar ên Ukraynayê di çalakiyê de bibîne.
Di dawiya hefteyê de 2 balafirên Elman ên Eurofighter ji Baregeha Hewayî ya Ämari ya li Estonyayê rabûn. Wan a rûsî AN 124-100 nas kirin1 year ago
Di dawiya hefteyê de 2 balafirên Elman ên Eurofighter ji Baregeha Hewayî ya Ämari ya li Estonyayê rabûn. Wan a rûsî AN 124-100 nas kirin
Former British embassy security guard David Smith is sentenced to a total of 13 years and two months for spying on behalf of Russia1 year ago
Former British embassy security guard David Smith is sentenced to a total of 13 years and two months for spying on behalf of Russia
Deutsche Telekom AG: During construction work on a railway line in Frankfurt, a drill severed several of our fiber optic cables. As a result, there are also IT problems at Lufthansa. We continue to work at full speed on the repair. The situation is continuously improving
Deutsche Telekom AG: Even at a depth of 5m, our fiber optics are not safe from concrete drills. After Düsseldorf at the weekend now also in Frankfurt. Our technicians are already on site. Due to the considerable damage and situation on the construction site, the remedy will be extremely difficult1 year ago
Deutsche Telekom AG: Even at a depth of 5m, our fiber optics are not safe from concrete drills. After Düsseldorf at the weekend now also in Frankfurt. Our technicians are already on site. Due to the considerable damage and situation on the construction site, the remedy will be extremely difficult
Wezîrê Parastinê yê Amerîkayê: Em li bendê ne ku Ukrayna di biharê de dest bi êrîşeke dijber bike
Norwêc dê 8 Leopard 2 û heta 4 guhertoyên piştgiriyê (endezyarî, qata pirê, vejenê) bide Ukraynayê û 250 milyar NOK ji bo parçeyên yedek û cebilxaneyê veqetîne.
Wezîrê Berevaniyê yê Amerîkayê: Hevdîtina bi hevalê xwe yê baş û hevtayê xwe yê Ukraynayê @oleksiireznikov re her dem kêfxweş e. 50 neteweyên ku beşdarî UDCG dibin di vî şerî de ji bo serwerî û xweparastina Ukraynayê bi we re bûne yek.
Serokê Ukraynayê Volodymyr Zelensky li Fransayê ye. Ew ê li Élysée bi @EmmanuelMacron û serokwezîrê Alman @OlafScholz re bicive.
1 year ago
Civata Ewlekarî ya Almanyayê radestkirina 178 tankên Leopard 1 bo Ukraynayê pejirand
The driver of a Mazda 5 drove into the fence of a bus stop on Friday night. The 37-year-old did not have a driver's license and a drug test came back positive for amphetamines. These and other reports from the Dresden Police Department1 year ago
The driver of a Mazda 5 drove into the fence of a bus stop on Friday night. The 37-year-old did not have a driver's license and a drug test came back positive for amphetamines. These and other reports from the Dresden Police Department
1 year ago
Li Baxmutê, ku ji bo Koma Wagner a Rûsyayê şer dikirin, 2 Alman hatin girtin.
1 year ago
Almanya piştrast dike ku ew ê 14 Leopard 2 A6 bişîne û rê bide hevkarên din ku hin stokên xwe ji nû ve hinarde bikin.
After the disappearance of a 14-year-old boy in Wunstorf near Hanover in the German state of Lower Saxony, the police are investigating a boy of the same age on suspicion of a homicide
1 year ago
Şêwirmendê Alman Olaf Scholz dê radestkirina tankên Leopard ên Alman ji Ukraynayê re ragihîne - POLITICO.
Wezîrê berevaniyê yê Polonyayê got, Almanya niha daxwaza fermî ya Polonyayê wergirtiye ku tankên Leopard ji nû ve hinarde bike bo Ukraynayê
1 year ago
Wezîrê Derve yê Almanya Baerbock dibêje, eger Polonya tankên leopardan bişîne Ûkraynayê, Almanya dê rê li ber negire.
Serok @EmmanuelMacron dibêje - li kêleka @Bundeskanzler rawestiyaye - ku ew fikra ku Fransa tankên Leclerc ji Ukraynayê re peyda bike dernaxe.
1 year ago
Daxuyaniya wezîrên berevaniyê yên Fransa û Almanya: "Ji bo pêşxistina kapasîteya herdu artêşên ku bi hev re bi cih bibin, ji bo tetbîqatên li Romanyayê du tabûrên franko-almanî ji Tûgaya Frensî-Almanan were pêşandan."
France & Germany "support the deployment of the high-speed train route between Paris and Berlin, as well as a night train service, both for 2024," announced after a meeting in Paris between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz
Scholz li Parîsê dibêje: "Divê em bitirsin ku ev şer dê demek pir dirêj bidome." Lê dîsa jî metnek zelal li ser radestkirina Leopard tune - her biryarek tenê bi hevkarên mîna DY re ji nêz ve hatî hevrêz kirin. Macron li ser tankên Fransî hinekî zelaltir: "Tiştek nayê derxistin
Parastina Fînlandiyayê: Em ê bi qasî 590 mîlyon Euro pakêta herî mezin a alîkariyên leşkerî bidin Ûkraynayê
1 year ago
Wezîra Berevaniyê ya Almanya: Berlîn ne aliyek şerê Ukraynayê ye lê dê şandina leşkerî bo Kyivê berdewam bike
1 year ago
German media now reporting that Lambrecht has officially asked Scholz to be dismissed from her position as Minister of Defence
1 year ago
During a burglary in Hürth, a parrot scared the perpetrators so much that they fled. The police are investigating and looking for witnesses
Wezîra Derve ya Almanyayê Annalena Baerbock serdana bajarê Ukraynayê Kharkiv kir, ku nêzîkî xetên pêşîn e, û bû yekem endama kabîneya Alman ku ji destê yekem de herêmê dît.
After anti-terror operation in Castrop-Rauxel: Arrest warrants against two Iranians requested. According to the Düsseldorf public prosecutor's office, the brothers are said to have planned an Islamist terrorist attack with toxins