8 Îlon 2024
6 month ago
German Foreign Minister: Recognizing a Palestinian state is part of a more comprehensive solution to the conflict between the two parties
Servîsa dijî-dezenformasyonê ya Fransî @Viginum_Gouv tora propagandayê ya pro-rûsya bi navê "Portal Kombat" vekir. Wezîrên karên derve @steph_sejourne, @ABaerbock û @sikorskiradek îro mekanîzmayek hevpar ragihandin ku hişyarî û berteka şer bikin.
Anti-fascist rally in Munich. Hundreds of thousands of people6 month ago
Anti-fascist rally in Munich. Hundreds of thousands of people
The Weimar Triangle will say "no" to disinformation on Monday in Paris. Poland, Germany and France are to jointly counteract Russian troll farms that are becoming active before the June elections to the European Parliament
Tucker asks about Evan Gershkovich.  Putin implies he wants hitman Vadim Krasikov, jailed in Germany for a murder in Berlin in broad daylight, in exchange. That person, due to patriotic sentiments, killed a bandit in one of the European capitals, Putin says7 month ago
Tucker asks about Evan Gershkovich. Putin implies he wants hitman Vadim Krasikov, jailed in Germany for a murder in Berlin in broad daylight, in exchange. "That person, due to patriotic sentiments, killed a bandit in one of the European capitals," Putin says
7 month ago
Rosneft warns Berlin over ‘unprecedented’ plan to nationalise its German assets
Şêwirmenda Almanyayê: Ez bi îhtîmala gihîştina lihevkirinekê li ser alîkariya Ukraynayê piştrast im
7 month ago
Germany Foreign Minister @ABaerbock and Polish Foreign Minister @SikorskiRadek at a joint press availability in Berlin
Serok Zelensky bi telefonê bi serokwezîrê Almanya Scholz re axivî7 month ago
Serok Zelensky bi telefonê bi serokwezîrê Almanya Scholz re axivî
President of the European Central Bank: The world may witness more "tax fragmentation" and it must fix the situation
NATO plans to mobilize 90,000 soldiers for the biggest military exercise since the Cold War
7 month ago
Olaf Scholz: Serok Biden û ez hemfikir in: Em dixwazin di warê aborî, mirovahî û leşkerî de piştgiriya Ukraynayê bidomînin. Min îro li ser vê yekê bi têlefonê bi @POTUS re axivî. Almanya dê di sala 2024an de zêdetirî heft milyar euro kelûmelên leşkerî bide
7 month ago
Hapag-Lloyd Shipping Company welcomes the measures taken by U.S. and Britain to secure passage in the Red Sea
7 month ago
Germany: We support strikes against the Houthis to prevent further attacks in the Red Sea
8 month ago
German Foreign Ministry: The recent Houthi attacks in the Red Sea show a clear escalation
German Foreign Minister: We must ensure that aid reaches the people of Gaza
Baerbock: We will not accept the displacement of Palestinians, whether from the West Bank or Gaza
Baerbock: We agree with Egypt that peace will not be achieved except with a two-state solution
Baerbock: Israel must do more to protect civilians in Gaza
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We must work to restore political prospects to reach a two-state solution
8 month ago
German FM Calls on Israel to Ease its Military Campaign in Gaza
8 month ago
German Foreign Ministry: There should be no occupation of the Gaza Strip
German public radio broadcaster says it decided to no longer post on Twitter/X8 month ago
German public radio broadcaster says it decided to no longer post on Twitter/X
8 month ago
Despite the ban on demos, there is a pro-Palestine demo on Sonnenallee in Neukölln. Participants shout "Freedom for Palestine" b3112 @welt
8 month ago
German Foreign Ministry: Serbia has voted, but @osce_odihr reports misuse of public resources, voter intimidation and cases of vote buying. This is unacceptable for a country with EU candidate status
8 month ago
German Foreign Minister: Lebanese Hezbollah and other militias must withdraw from the Blue Line
8 month ago
The German Public Prosecutor announces the arrest of 4 Hamas members
9 month ago
Among the hostages released yesterday, there are again four German-Israeli nationals. Our thoughts are with them and with all those who remain in the hands of Hamas. We are working tirelessly to ensure that they too will soon be free, - FM @abaerbock
Fermandarê Giştî yê Hêzên Çekdar ên Ukraynayê Zaluzhny li ser operasyonên Hêzên Parastinê û rewşa qada şer di "format Ramstein" de axivî.
European Parliament proposes radical and ambitious reform of the treaties - ending unanimity and creating a defence union9 month ago
European Parliament proposes radical and ambitious reform of the treaties - ending unanimity and creating a defence union