Donor nations commit $10.3 billion for millions of Syrians at home and as refugees abroad (from @AP)
Germany pledges one billion euros to help alleviate the Syrian refugee crisis
Several Swiss government websites attacked by hackers on Monday morning. The attack was claimed by the pro-Russian hacker group 'NoName'
AirDefender 23 is starting today. It is the largest deployment exercise of air forces in NATO's history and demonstrates transatlantic solidarity
1 year ago Roja Duşemê, Serokê Fransa Macron, Serokwezîrê Alman Scholz û Serokê Polonya Duda li Parîsê ji bo "gotûbêja li ser garantiyên ewlehiyê yên ku dikarin di demek dirêj de ji Ukraynayê re werin dayîn, ji bo garantîkirina serwerî û yekparebûna axa wê" li hev civiyan.
Hikûmeta Fînlandiyayê: Em ê zêdetir kelûpelên leşkerî bişînin Ukraynayê, di nav de cebilxane û çekên dijfiroke
Koma pêwendiya berevaniyê ya Ukraynayê bi tevahî nêzî 65 mîlyar dolar alîkariya ewlehiyê kiriye - @SecDef Lloyd Austin
1 year ago Germany entered recession after a contraction of 0.3% of GDP in the first quarter
German Foreign Minister: The European Union will take a decision today regarding new sanctions against Iran, including the Revolutionary Guards
Pîvana DAX-ê ya Almanyayê ji ber ku fikarên li ser danûstandinên li ser sînorê deynên Dewletên Yekbûyî sivik dike, serhildanên bazarê dişewitîne ji bo rekorek bilind tê girtin.
Serokomarê Ukraynayê Zelensky bi Serokwezîr Scholz re hevdîtin kir û li Aachenê serdana leşkerên Ukraynayê kir.
1 year ago Almanyayê ji bo piştgiriya Ukraynayê bi qasî 2,7 milyar euro pakêtek nû ya alîkariya leşkerî ragihand. Serokwezîrê Alman Olaf Scholz li ser vê yekê li ser Twitterê nivîsî. Bi taybetî tankên şer Leopard-1, Marder BMP û pergalên parastina hewayî Iris-T dê ji Ukraynayê re werin şandin.
Serokê Ukrayna Zelensky: Spas ji Almanya re ji bo mezintirîn pakêta alîkariyên leşkerî ji destpêka êrişa berfireh a Rûsyayê ve. Sîstemên parastina hewayî yên Alman, top, tank û wesayîtên şer ên piyade jiyana Ukraynayê rizgar dikin û me nêzî serkeftinê dikin.
1 year ago Serok Zelensky gihîşt Berlînê
Two people have been killed in a shooting at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, southern Germany, according to the company.
The Chinese foreign minister calls on Germany to contain differences with China through dialogue on the basis of mutual respect
German FM: We keep our focus on the conflict in Syria. The new EU sanctions package targets the trafficking of Captagon. The Pro-Assad forces profits massively from this drug. Perpetrators of the 2013 Tadamon massacre were also listed
Luftwaffe has now evacuated 214 German citizens and other passengers from Khartoum, via two A400M, flying from Sudan to Jordan, where Bundeswehr also maintains further military personnel to support more ops, if the cease fire breaks down. Overall three A400M are involved so far
@SecDef piştrast dike ku tankên M1 Abrams ên Amerîkî yên ku dê Ukraynî ji bo perwerdehiyê bikar bînin dê di çend hefteyên pêş de bigihêjin Almanyayê.
1 year ago Di civînê de di formata Ramstein de, civîneke hevpeymaniya tankan pêk hat: Ukrayna, Polonya û Almanya Nameya Niyetê îmze kirin ku li Polonyayê navendek lênihêrînê ji bo tankên Leopard 2 yên Ukraynayê ava bikin.
Germany MFA: We strongly condemn the Myanmar army's airstrike killing dozens of civilians, including many children. Our thoughts are with the victims & their families. We expect the government to end the violence against its people immediately. @ASEAN's 5-point-consensus must be fully implemented
Berlin ordered Chad's ambassador to Germany to leave the country within 48h in response to a similar move by N'Djamena last week
German Federal Office of Justice has initiated fine proceedings against Twitter. "The Internet is not a lawless space," says the Justice Minister
Two people were found dead in a parking garage at Frankfurt Airport during the night. The police found a weapon - and suspected a relationship crime
65 parêzvanên hewayî yên Ukraynayê li Fort Sill Oklahoma perwerdehiya Patriot qedandin, û naha vegeriyan Ewropayê. Ew bi parêzvanên hewayî yên Ukrayna yên din re digel alavên berevaniya hewayî yên Patriot ên ji Dewletên Yekbûyî, Almanya û Hollanda hatine bexşandin - Pentagon spox
German Foreign Minister: We will impose a sixth package of sanctions related to the violation of human rights on Iran
1 year ago Wezîrê Parastinê yê Ukraynayê: Ramstein 10 dest pê dike. Vê carê em li ser înternetê kom dibin
1 year ago Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. (AFP)
After finding a dead man in Niederkassel-Lülsdorf, the police arrested a possible perpetrator. The alleged perpetrator and the victim knew each other
The perpetrator of the attack in Hamburg is 35-year-old Philipp F., a former member of the community of Jehovah's Witnesses. He shot seven people and then himself. Several people are seriously injured in the hospital