5 十一 2024
美国批准以 84 亿美元的价格向德国出售 35 架 F-35 战斗机。俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,德国决定用 F-35 取代龙卷风战机
德国已向乌克兰交付了承诺的 Mars II MLRS。此外,还移交了三门自行榴弹炮——国防部长克里斯蒂娜·兰布雷希特(SPD)周二表示
俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司将从 7 月 27 日起将 Nord Stream 1 天然气供应量削减至 33 mcm - 路透中文网
Germany resumed receiving Nord Stream gas at the terminal in Greifswald after repairs were completed
2 年 前
Egyptian President: Talks with German Chancellor were constructive
German Interior Minister: We expect violent protests due to high energy prices
Uniper, a German gas giant reliant on Russian energy, has asked the government for a bailout
2 年 前
Germany sends contingent of troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina to take part in Mission Althea
German gas giant Uniper is in talks with the govt over a potential bailout package of as much as €9bn, BBG reports. Uniper, which is one of biggest importers of Russian gas, said last week it was in talks with govt to secure liquidity. Shares sank 28%
And now Quinet says any technical problem can be solved if there is a demand. But SNCF Réseau is stopping Renfe running to Paris claiming an incompatibility of signalling on the LGV Sud Est Like this is pants on fire stuff from SNCF here
This sounds like the sort of compromise that my @collegeofeurope students would come up with. While non EU nerds will be left shaking their heads going "what Fire engines"
2 年 前
2 年 前
2 年 前
面对俄罗斯在乌克兰的军事行动,拜登呼吁 G7 国家"保持团结"
伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)向伊尔平致敬乌克兰人在野蛮面前的英雄主义
德国的@heutejournal 报道称,德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨正在前往基辅的路上
Gazprom 在 Nord Stream I 停止另一台泵,将日产量降至 67 MCM
Gazprom 表示,通过 Nord Stream I 的供应限制为每天 1 亿立方米(总容量为 167 MCM)。指责西门子推迟天然气泵的维修
German and Swiss authorities arrest 4 people accused of supporting ISIS
Two German energy suppliers—Entega and Mainzer Stadtwerke—were hit by a cyber-attack over the weekend. The attacks, believed to be unrelated, blocked access to companies' email servers and public websites, but industrial systems remained unaffected
In Thessaloniki the chancellor @OlafScholz
德国国防部长兰布雷希特昨天再次与乌克兰国防部长@oleksiireznikov 就进一步支持打击俄罗斯的野蛮侵略进行了交谈。德国的武器支持包括来自德国联邦国防军的高科技自行榴弹炮
Paramedics treat the injured on the corner of Kurfürstendamm and Rankestrasse in Berlin. A car drove into the crowd, at least one person dead
At Berlin's Breitscheidtplatz - a car crashes into a crowd - one dead
2 年 前
German police: Two dead in a shooting at a supermarket in the city of Schwalmstadt