5 十一 2024
1 年 前
Hamburg police: According to initial findings, a shot was fired in a church on Deelböge Street in the GroßBorstel district. Several people were seriously injured, some even fatally. We are on site with a large contingent of forces. Further information follows. shootout h0903
1 年 前
Perpetrators on the run: At least six dead after shots in Hamburg
1 年 前
During Exercise Griffin Lightning in Lithuania, around 600 German soldiers are training in close cooperation with the Lithuanian armed forces
The World War II bomb in Potsdam was successfully defused. The restricted area of 1,000 meters was lifted again
'Don't send weapons to Russia,' Germany's Scholz urges China
"The two German diplomats are being expelled due to Germany's irresponsible interference in Iran's internal and judicial affairs," state media quoted Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani as saying
德国将从德国联邦国防军库存中向乌克兰交付另外四辆豹 2 主战坦克,使总数达到 18 辆
At around 4 a.m. today, a fire broke out in a vacant low-rise building in Dresden-Prohlis. Nobody was injured. The police have launched an investigation into arson. More reports from the Dresden police department:
Germany has declared two employees of the Iranian embassy personae non gratae and ordered them to leave the country in protest over Iran sentencing a German national to death
在德国训练乌克兰士兵是我们的首要任务。国防部长皮斯托瑞斯今天正在参观位于明斯特的德国联邦国防军装甲部队训练中心,他将在那里看到乌克兰武装部队的 EUMAM 训练任务。
上周末,两架德国欧洲战斗机从爱沙尼亚的阿马里空军基地起飞。他们确定了俄罗斯的 AN 124-1001 年 前
上周末,两架德国欧洲战斗机从爱沙尼亚的阿马里空军基地起飞。他们确定了俄罗斯的 AN 124-100
Former British embassy security guard David Smith is sentenced to a total of 13 years and two months for spying on behalf of Russia
Deutsche Telekom AG: During construction work on a railway line in Frankfurt, a drill severed several of our fiber optic cables. As a result, there are also IT problems at Lufthansa. We continue to work at full speed on the repair. The situation is continuously improving
Deutsche Telekom AG: Even at a depth of 5m, our fiber optics are not safe from concrete drills. After Düsseldorf at the weekend now also in Frankfurt. Our technicians are already on site. Due to the considerable damage and situation on the construction site, the remedy will be extremely difficult1 年 前
Deutsche Telekom AG: Even at a depth of 5m, our fiber optics are not safe from concrete drills. After Düsseldorf at the weekend now also in Frankfurt. Our technicians are already on site. Due to the considerable damage and situation on the construction site, the remedy will be extremely difficult
挪威将向乌克兰捐赠 8 架豹 2 和最多 4 架支援型(工程、桥接层、恢复),并拨款 2.5 亿挪威克朗用于备件和弹药
美国国防部长:很高兴见到我的好朋友兼乌克兰国防部长@oleksiireznikov。参加 UDCG 的 50 个国家与您团结一致,为乌克兰的主权和自卫而战
乌克兰总统泽连斯基正在法国。他将在爱丽舍宫会见@EmmanuelMacron 和德国总理@OlafScholz
The driver of a Mazda 5 drove into the fence of a bus stop on Friday night. The 37-year-old did not have a driver's license and a drug test came back positive for amphetamines. These and other reports from the Dresden Police Department
1 年 前
德国确认将发送 14 辆 Leopard 2 A6 并允许其他合作伙伴再出口其部分库存
After the disappearance of a 14-year-old boy in Wunstorf near Hanover in the German state of Lower Saxony, the police are investigating a boy of the same age on suspicion of a homicide
德国总理奥拉夫·舒尔茨将宣布向乌克兰交付德国豹式坦克 - POLITICO
德国外交部长贝尔博克表示,如果波兰向乌克兰派遣豹式坦克,德国不会阻挠 - 路透社
总统@EmmanuelMacron 说——站在@Bundeskanzler 旁边——他不排除法国向乌克兰提供勒克莱尔坦克的想法
1 年 前
France & Germany "support the deployment of the high-speed train route between Paris and Berlin, as well as a night train service, both for 2024," announced after a meeting in Paris between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz