5 十一 2024
In the coming hours there will be an exchange of prisoners between the Russian Federation, the USA, Germany and Belarus, - Slovenian TV channel. 2 Russian spies caught in Slovenia also will be exchanged
German Foreign Ministry: Cyberspace is not a lawless space – China must refrain from unacceptable cyberattacks like the one conducted against the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy in 2021. We strongly condemn such attacks targeted at institutions relevant for our critical infrastructure
German electoral reforms aimed at limiting the size of parliament are in parts unconstitutional, the Federal Constitutional Court rules
2 月 前
BASF in Ludwigshafen: 15 slightly injured in explosion
2 月 前
Fire on BASF site in Ludwigshafen extinguished
German Foreign Ministry: The announced election results are not enough to dispel doubts about the vote count in Venezuela. We call for the publication of detailed results for all polling stations and access to all voting and election documents for opposition and observers
German Foreign Ministry: The death penalty is an inhumane punishment that we reject. It is intolerable how the Belarusian government is parading a German on TV. We are in contact with him and his family and are doing everything we can to ensure that his rights are respected
Two Russian men arrested in Hamburg and 'Herzogtum Lauenburg' county on suspicion of membership in and providing material support for the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State: federal prosecutor general
Iran’s Foreign Ministry summoned German ambassador to Tehran over banning an Islamic center is Germany
Germany has banned the Islamic Center of Hamburg after police raids across the country. @UANI provided evidence to the German government last year of ICH's links to IRGC militants and Hezbollah which contributed to its decision
Berlin Airport announces the suspension of all flights until 8:00 GMT due to technical malfunctions
Berlin Airport suspending all flights due to IT problems
Police detained 4 suspects - 3 in Spain and 1 in Germany - as part of an investigation into the sale of drone parts to Hezbollah
The German Foreign Ministry on Hungary's rotating presidency of the European Union: Hungary caused great damage during only 12 days of its presidency of the Union
2 月 前
CNN:美国和德国挫败了俄罗斯暗杀德国强大武器制造商莱茵金属首席执行官的阴谋,莱茵金属一直在为乌克兰生产炮弹和设备。@NatashaBertrand 与 @KatieBoLillis @fpleitgenCNN
German Federal government bans Huawei and ZTE technology from China in 5G mobile networks here
2 月 前
杰克·沙利文表示,北约将宣布对乌克兰的"强有力的新支持措施",包括: -防空能力 -提供 F-16 - 由秘书长斯托尔滕贝格任命的北约驻基辅新高级代表 - 由三星将军领导的北约驻德国新军事指挥部 - 盟国承诺共同向乌克兰提供至少价值 400 亿欧元的安全援助。"我们将在未来几天分享有关所有这些步骤的更多信息,"@JakeSullivan46 在美国商会活动上表示。
German Vice Chancellor: We have to closely monitor what will happen in France in the future
3 月 前
Turkey summons German ambassador to the foreign ministry over the Grey Wolves sign investigation against the Turkish footballer
The director of the German branch of Doctors Without Borders said that the situation in Gaza is like a nightmare and an immediate and permanent ceasefire is needed in this strip.