18 oktyabr 2024
1 year ago
Almaniya Ukraynaya Marder piyada döyüş maşınları verəcək️. Almaniya da əlavə Patriot hava hücumundan müdafiə batareyası tədarük etməkdə ABŞ-a qoşulur
At the beginning of December, Christmas markets in Düsseldorf were cleared – because of a threatening phone call. Now the police have identified a suspect: a young person from the Osnabrück area
1 year ago
A far-right extremist who killed two people in the German city of Halle three years ago after trying to attack a synagogue has been moved to a new prison following an apparent jailbreak attempе
1 year ago
Almaniya kansleri Olaf Şolz: "Məqsədimiz Rusiyanın müharibəni dayandırması və Ukraynanın bütövlüyünü qorumasıdır". "Bu, danışıqlar tələb edəcək". Telefonla, videozənglə, yaxud uzun masa arxasında olacaq, özünü göstərəcək". - SZ -
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: We have frozen the assets of those targeted by sanctions against Iran
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: European sanctions targeted leaders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
1 year ago
Germany police say the suspect in the hostage-taking in Dresden died of injuries sustained during his arrest
1 year ago
German police announce the end of the operation to free the hostages in Dresden and the arrest of the perpetrator
1 year ago
Dresden police say they conduct operation due to suspected hostage-taking, ask citizens to avoid inner city
1 year ago
Almaniya kansleri: Beynəlxalq təzyiq Rusiyanı nüvə silahından istifadə təhlükəsindən geri çəkilməyə məcbur etdi
1 year ago
DW xəbər verir ki, Almaniya Müdafiə Nazirliyi Polşa ilə Almaniya arasında Alman Patriot raketdən müdafiə sistemlərinin Polşada yerləşdirilməsi ilə bağlı razılığın əldə olunduğunu təsdiqləyib.
German Federal Public Prosecutor: Eight alleged "Reich citizens" already in custody
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized1 year ago
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized
1 year ago
Almaniya Daxili İşlər Nazirliyi: Rusiya ilə sağçı çevriliş cəhdi arasında hər hansı mümkün əlaqəni araşdırırıq
Thousands of police officers carried out raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the government in an armed coup
1 year ago
Explosive: Bundestag confirms that Malsack-Winkemann as an ex-AfD MdB 1 has house ID. This means that she can enter the building at any time after passing through the admission control. She has no access "until there are further findings" from the Federal Public Prosecutor General
1 year ago
Kreml: Rusiyanın ifrat sağçıların Almaniya hökumətini devirmək planında iştirakına heç bir şübhə yoxdur
1 year ago
Around 3,000 officers were deployed in eleven federal states. The media also report a raid in Kitzbühel. One Austrian citizen was among those arrested. The German Minister of Justice speaks of a "suspected terror network"
1 year ago
The ex-AfD member of the Bundestag Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, who was arrested during the raid today, had just fought to be allowed to continue working as a judge. Incidentally, she is also an assessor in the important Federal Arbitration Court of the AfD
1 year ago
#Massive raids in Germany against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force 25 people arrested Raids conducted across 11 German states Some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites
1 year ago
A right-wing terrorist group is said to have planned the coup underground. They probably wanted to storm the Bundestag and trained with weapons. The former AfD MdB Birgit Malsack-Winkemann is one of them. House searches have been going on since this morning
1 year ago
German Chancellor: The main question is what threats we have to face with our allies in Europe, most notably from Russia
1 year ago
Almaniya hökumətinin sözçüsü: Scholz Putini Ukrayna ilə münaqişəni diplomatiya yolu ilə həll etməyə və qoşunları Ukraynadan çıxarmağa çağırıb
1 year ago
Almaniya hökumətinin sözçüsü: Scholz Putinlə telefon danışığı zamanı Rusiyanın Ukraynadakı infrastruktura zərbələrini pisləyib
1 year ago
Putin və Şolz arasında telefon danışığı olub, Ukraynanı müzakirə ediblər, - Kreml
1 year ago
Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
1 year ago
Almaniya kansleri: Rusiya Ukraynaya qarşı müharibədə qalib gəlməyəcək
1 year ago
German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
1 year ago
In the trial of the murder of a policewoman and a policeman near Kusel, the defense appealed against the verdict. The main accused was sentenced to life imprisonment in Kaiserslautern yesterday
1 year ago
1930-cu illərdə Ukraynada milyonlarla insanın ölümünə səbəb olan aclıq o vaxt Sovet rəhbərliyinin verdiyi siyasi qərarların nəticəsi idi: Bundestaq indi Qolodomoru insanlığa qarşı cinayət kimi qiymətləndirir.