16 sentyabr 2024
According to information from @gabonn, an explosion occurred this morning at DynITEC in Troisdorf, injuring several people. The company belongs to Diehl Defence and is one of the most important suppliers of explosives for Diehl Defence, Rheinmetall and other companies
2 week ago
Germany deports Afghan nationals for first time since Taliban takeover in 2021
2 week ago
After Solingen: German Government agrees on migration package of measures
German Bild: Police arrest Syrian from refugee center after Solingen stabbing
German police: We are raiding a building in Solingen following a stabbing attack
The Islamic State has claimed the Solingen stabbing attack.
German Interior Minister: Security services are doing everything they can to arrest the attacker in the stabbing incident in Solingen, western Germany
Several fatalities in stabbing attack on Solingen, Germany, according to local reports
German Lufthansa: Suspension of flights to Beirut until September 30
Aİ-nin xarici siyasət rəhbəri: Almaniyanın Ukraynaya yardımının kəsilməsi narahatedicidir
3 week ago
NATO-nun Geilenkirchen aviabazasındakı təhlükəsizlik səviyyəsi potensial təhlükəni göstərən kəşfiyyat məlumatları əsasında qaldırılıb. Bütün qeyri-missiya əsas işçiləri ehtiyat tədbiri olaraq evə göndərilib
3 week ago
German Foreign Ministry summons Iranian ambassador in Berlin
3 week ago
EU Commission approves Germany's €5bn mega-subsidy package for TSMC's semiconductor factory investment in Dresden.“The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €5 billion German measure to support European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘ESMC') in the construction and operation of a microchip manufacturing plant in Dresden. ESMC is a joint venture between Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘TSMC'), Bosch, Infineon, and NXP. The measure will strengthen Europe's security of supply, resilience and digital sovereignty in semiconductor technologies, in line with the objectives set out in the European Chips Act Communication
4 week ago
Almaniya Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin sözçüsü: Berlinin Ukraynaya dəstəyi daimidir və lazım olduğu qədər davam edəcək
4 week ago
Almaniya Maliyyə Nazirliyinin sözçüsü: Biz Ukrayna üçün beynəlxalq maliyyə alətinin yaradılması üzərində intensiv işləyirik
US approves $5 bn Patriot missile sale to Germany: statement
1 month ago
Ukrayna prezidentinin müşaviri Mykhailo Podolyak ölkəsinin "Şimal axını 2" qaz kəmərinə ziyan vuran partlayışlarda iştirakını inkar edib və cümə axşamı Reuters-ə şərhlərində barmağını Rusiyaya tuşlayıb.
NATO has clarified earlier comments by a Bundeswehr spokesperson on a security alert at the Geilenkirchen base, after a suspected case of sabotage: "The base was at no time sealed off. We checked the water, it is okay, and the base is accessible."
1 month ago
German Foreign Ministry: Government condemns Israeli ministers' visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque
1 month ago
Another German military base - Geilenkirchen, housing Nato AWACS aircraft - sealed off due sabotage with similar reports of tap water being contaminated. One person arrested
The German army has confirmed that it is investigating a possible act of sabotage at a barracks near Cologne. According to media reports, soldiers on site have been told not to drink from the water supply amid fears it has been contaminated
President Biden spoke mid morning with the leaders of UK, France, Germany and Italy about Middle East, John Kirby says
Leaders of UK, France and Germany call for a ceasefire and release of hostages as the slaughter mounts in Gaza
1 month ago
German Chancellor to Netanyahu: It's time to finalize prisoner release, ceasefire deal
1 month ago
German Foreign Ministry spokesperson on possible Middle East evacuations: there is a false sense of security among citizens in Lebanon @Reuters
German Lufthansa: Suspending flights to Tel Aviv, Tehran and Beirut until August 12
1 month ago
Due to a fire in a cable duct in the German capital Berlin, there are disruptions to long-distance, regional and commuter services, rail operator Deutsche Bahn says
1 month ago
The German government has deported the Iran government-linked Imam of the Islamic Center in Berlin, Nasir Niknejad, according to information obtained by Iran International's correspondent in Berlin
Biden thanked 5 allied countries—Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Turkey—for helping clinch prisoner deal "This is a powerful example of why it's vital to have friends in this world whom you can trust and depend upon" Biden says
1 month ago
"The Insider" xəbər verir ki, Rusiya bunları azad edib: - Evan Gerşkoviç, - Vladimir Kara-Murza (xarici agent), - Liliya Çanışeva, - İlya Yaşin (xarici agent), - Kseniya Fadeeva, - Andrey Pivovarov, - Pol Uilan, - Alsa Kurmaşeva, - Oleq Orlov (xarici agent), - Saşa Skoçilenko, - Diter Voronin, - Kevin Lik, - Riko Kriqer, - Patrik Şöbel, - Herman Moyzhes, - Vadim Ostanin. Jurnalistlərin, hüquq müdafiəçilərinin və müxalifətçilərin, habelə keçmiş Amerika dəniz piyadasının müqabilində Qərb ölkələri təslim olmağa razılaşıblar: - Vadim Krasikov (Almaniyadan), - Artem Dultsev (Sloveniyadan), - Anna Dultseva (Sloveniyadan), - Mixail Mikuşin (Norveç), — Pavel Rubtsov (Polşa), — Roman Seleznev (ABŞ), — Vladislav Klyuşin (ABŞ), — Vadim Konoşenko (ABŞ).