18 oktyabr 2024
Arrest. A man was recognized - he is said to have thrown objects at emergency services - the man suffered a head injury during the arrest11 month ago
Arrest. A man was recognized - he is said to have thrown objects at emergency services - the man suffered a head injury during the arrest
11 month ago
Young people have set up barricades - Harburger Ring is completely closed - there are arrests
Like last year - state of emergency on the Harburger Ring - dozens of young people attack the @PolizeiHamburg - firecrackers, eggs and bottles fly - federal police arrive to support11 month ago
Like last year - state of emergency on the Harburger Ring - dozens of young people attack the @PolizeiHamburg - firecrackers, eggs and bottles fly - federal police arrive to support
11 month ago
German Foreign Ministry spokesman: Israel must protect the Palestinians from extremist settler violence
11 month ago
The police in Hanover and Berlin refuse to provide information about Barello's alleged arrest for "reasons of data protection and to protect personal rights."
Rheinmetall: Rheinmetall və Ukraynanın dövlətə məxsus Ukrayna Müdafiə Sənayesi ASC (@ukroboronprom ) Kiyevdə Rheinmetall-ın 51% və UDI-nin 49%-i ilə birgə müəssisə yaradıblar.11 month ago
Rheinmetall: Rheinmetall və Ukraynanın dövlətə məxsus Ukrayna Müdafiə Sənayesi ASC (@ukroboronprom ) Kiyevdə Rheinmetall-ın 51% və UDI-nin 49%-i ilə birgə müəssisə yaradıblar.
British-flagged cargo vessel MV Verity sunk in North Sea after collision with another vessel off North German coast in early hours of this morning.Search & rescue operation underway. 2 rescued, one body found and 4 out of the crew of 7 still missing11 month ago
British-flagged cargo vessel MV Verity sunk in North Sea after collision with another vessel off North German coast in early hours of this morning.Search & rescue operation underway. 2 rescued, one body found and 4 out of the crew of 7 still missing
Joint statement from US President Biden, Canada's PM Trudeau, France's President Emmanuel Macron, Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni, and UK's PM Rishi Sunak on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas:
German Defense Minister: Reducing or withdrawing UNIFIL forces from the Lebanese-Israeli border would be a wrong signal
1 year ago
The German chancellor condemns a firebomb attack on a Berlin synagogue and vows protection for Jews
Barricades, e-scooters and a children's playground burned. Our emergency services were only able to put out the fires with the support of the Berlin Police. We provided emergency medical care to 2 police officers. The situation has relaxed. We were there with 40 people1 year ago
Barricades, e-scooters and a children's playground burned. Our emergency services were only able to put out the fires with the support of the Berlin Police. We provided emergency medical care to 2 police officers. The situation has relaxed. We were there with 40 people
White House official: President Biden held a call with Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany in advance of Chancellor Scholz’s travel to Egypt and Israel. President Biden held a separate call with President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi of Egypt
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: We are discussing with the United Nations and our partners how to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza from the Rafah crossing
1 year ago
Scholz: Hamas would not have been able to launch an attack without Iranian support in recent years
1 year ago
German police banned a pro-Palestinian demonstration planned for today in Berlin on the ground of public safety. Berlin's Mayor Kai Wegner: "We will not tolerate celebrations of terrorism, murder and hostage-taking"
1 year ago
Almaniya Ukraynaya hərbi yardımı artırır. Təkcə "qış paketi" adlandırılan hava hücumundan müdafiə hissəsi təxminən bir milyard avro dəyərindədir və Patriots, IRIS-T-ni ehtiva edir. Patriot sisteminə aşağıdakılar daxildir: - Komanda bölməsi - Radar bölməsi - 8 buraxılış qurğusu - 60 raket; IRIS-T SLM bütöv bir sistem, üstəlik açıqlanmayan sayda raketlərdən ibarətdir. Bunun üzərinə aşağıdakı əşyalar göndəriləcək və dəyəri təxminən 20 milyon Avrodur: - 3x Gepard Flakpanzer- 10x Leopard 1A5- 15x BTR (növ qeyd olunmayıb) - 20x zirehli tibbi maşın (növ qeyd edilmir) - 155 mm-lik sursat (naməlum nömrə)
US, France, Germany, Italy, UK will help Israel 'defend itself': joint statement
Germany's Hamburg airport suspends flights after threat of attack on plane from Tehran - DPA, citing spokesperson
1 year ago
.@Bundeskanzler on Serbia, Kosovo: It’s important the situation does not escalate further
Dodik: Hungary ready to take over projects in RS that Germany cancelled
@SecDef Austin: Bugünkü görüşdə mən müttəfiqləri və tərəfdaşları dərin qazmağa və Ukraynanın növbəti müharibə qışına girdiyi bir vaxtda bacardıqları qədər hava hücumundan müdafiə sursatını verməyə çağırdım.
The first German emergency aid for Libya has arrived in Benghazi. Efforts are underway to get the material to the people in the disaster area as quickly as possible
Germany prosecutors say a BND foreign intelligence officer and another man have been charged with treason for allegedly passing secret documents to Russia's FSB. The officer, identified as Carsten L., was arrested in Berlin in December1 year ago
Germany prosecutors say a BND foreign intelligence officer and another man have been charged with treason for allegedly passing secret documents to Russia's FSB. The officer, identified as Carsten L., was arrested in Berlin in December
Reuters: Shooting near Wuppertal Central Station in Germany, and two perpetrators are being sought
1 year ago
İddialara görə, bir alman şirkəti Rusiyanın Orlan10 pilotsuz uçan aparatları üçün elektronik ləvazimatları təmin edib - həm də müharibə başlayandan sonra - və beləliklə, dolayısı ilə Rusiyaya Ukrayna qüvvələrinə dəqiq atəş açmağa kömək edib. Şirkətin rəhbəri Almaniya rəsmiləri tərəfindən saxlanılıb
1 year ago
German Foreign Minister: The coup in Niger affected the plans of our forces to withdraw from the Sahel region
1 year ago
German Public Prosecution announces the arrest of a German on charges of espionage for Russia
1 year ago
Almaniyanın Ukraynaya hərbi yardımı: 10 Leopard 1A5; Leopards, Marder və s. üzərində montaj üçün 20 MG3; 1.305 mərmi 155 mm-lik sursat; 2.064 raund 155 mm tüstü sursatları; 16 Mercedes-Benz Zetros; 10 Səyyar yerüstü müşahidə radarı
1 year ago
German strategy: China's decision to expand its relations with Russia has immediate security implications for Germany
Ukrayna prezidenti Zelenski Vilnüsdə Kanadanın baş naziri Castin Trüdo, Almaniya kansleri Olaf Şolz, Böyük Britaniyanın baş naziri Rişi Sunak ilə görüşüb.