4 Júla 2024
Poľský minister obrany uviedol, že Nemecko teraz dostalo oficiálnu žiadosť Poľska o reexport tankov Leopard na Ukrajinu
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Nemecko nebude stáť v ceste, ak Poľsko pošle na Ukrajinu tanky leopardov, povedal nemecký minister zahraničia Baerbock - Reuters
Prezident @EmmanuelMacron hovorí - stojac vedľa @Bundeskanzler - že nevylučuje myšlienku Francúzska poskytnúť tanky Leclerc Ukrajine
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Vyhlásenie francúzskych a nemeckých ministrov obrany: „Rozvinúť kapacitu oboch armád na spoločné nasadenie, navrhnúť dva francúzsko-nemecké prápory z francúzsko-nemeckej brigády na cvičenia v Rumunsku
France & Germany "support the deployment of the high-speed train route between Paris and Berlin, as well as a night train service, both for 2024," announced after a meeting in Paris between Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz
„Musíme sa báť, že táto vojna bude trvať veľmi dlho," hovorí Scholz v Paríži. Stále však neexistuje jasný text o dodávkach Leoparda - akékoľvek rozhodnutie je len úzko koordinované s partnermi, ako sú USA. Macron o francúzskych tankoch trochu jasnejšie: „Nič nie je vylúčené
Fínska obrana: Ukrajine dodáme najväčší balík vojenskej pomoci vo výške 590 miliónov eur
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Nemecký minister obrany: Berlín nie je stranou konfliktu na Ukrajine, ale bude pokračovať vo vojenských dodávkach do Kyjeva
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German media now reporting that Lambrecht has officially asked Scholz to be dismissed from her position as Minister of Defence
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During a burglary in Hürth, a parrot scared the perpetrators so much that they fled. The police are investigating and looking for witnesses
Nemecká ministerka zahraničných vecí Annalena Baerbock navštívila ukrajinské mesto Charkov, blízko frontovej línie, a stala sa tak prvou členkou nemeckého kabinetu, ktorá túto oblasť videla z prvej ruky.
After anti-terror operation in Castrop-Rauxel: Arrest warrants against two Iranians requested. According to the Düsseldorf public prosecutor's office, the brothers are said to have planned an Islamist terrorist attack with toxins
German police detain Iranian suspected of planning 'Islamist-motivated' attack
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Nemecko poskytne Ukrajine bojové vozidlá pechoty Marder️. Nemecko sa tiež pripojilo k USA v dodávke ďalšej batérie protivzdušnej obrany Patriot
At the beginning of December, Christmas markets in Düsseldorf were cleared – because of a threatening phone call. Now the police have identified a suspect: a young person from the Osnabrück area
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A far-right extremist who killed two people in the German city of Halle three years ago after trying to attack a synagogue has been moved to a new prison following an apparent jailbreak attempе
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Nemecký kancelár Olaf Scholz: "Naším cieľom je, aby Rusko ukončilo vojnu a zachovalo celistvosť Ukrajiny." "Bude to vyžadovať rozhovory." "Či to bude telefonicky, videohovorom alebo pri dlhom stole, to sa ukáže samo." - SZ -
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German Foreign Minister: We have frozen the assets of those targeted by sanctions against Iran
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German Foreign Minister: European sanctions targeted leaders in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard
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Germany police say the suspect in the hostage-taking in Dresden died of injuries sustained during his arrest
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German police announce the end of the operation to free the hostages in Dresden and the arrest of the perpetrator
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Dresden police say they conduct operation due to suspected hostage-taking, ask citizens to avoid inner city
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Nemecká kancelárka: Medzinárodný tlak prinútil Rusko ustúpiť od hrozby použitia jadrových zbraní
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Nemecké ministerstvo obrany potvrdilo, že medzi Poľskom a Nemeckom došlo k dohode o umiestnení nemeckých systémov protiraketovej obrany Patriot v Poľsku, uvádza DW.
German Federal Public Prosecutor: Eight alleged "Reich citizens" already in custody
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized1 Rok Pred
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized
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Nemecké ministerstvo vnútra: Vyšetrujeme akýkoľvek možný vzťah medzi Ruskom a pravicovým pokusom o prevrat
Thousands of police officers carried out raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the government in an armed coup
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Explosive: Bundestag confirms that Malsack-Winkemann as an ex-AfD MdB 1 has house ID. This means that she can enter the building at any time after passing through the admission control. She has no access "until there are further findings" from the Federal Public Prosecutor General
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Kremeľ: Niet pochýb o akejkoľvek ruskej účasti na údajnom krajne pravicovom sprisahaní s cieľom zvrhnúť nemeckú vládu