3 Týždeň Pred Jordanian King Abdullah II said in a phone call with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that Syrians must put their country's interests at the forefront of their priorities during the coming period. The Jordanian Royal Court stated that King Abdullah stressed during the call the importance of preserving Syria's security, stability and institutions.
3 Týždeň Pred France and Germany reject Israeli attacks on Syria. France and Germany today called on the Israeli not to threaten the sovereignty of the Syrian state, after its ground incursion into the buffer zone in southern Syria, and its launching of hundreds of air strikes on the military assets of the Syrian army
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz submits a motion for a vote of confidence in his government, paving the way for early elections
Germany is halting decisions on asylum applications from Syrian citizens after Syria's former ruler Bashar al-Assad fled the country, a spokesman for the Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) tells dpa
German Foreign Ministry: HTS's treatment of minorities in Syria will determine our position on it
Francúzsko, Nemecko a Poľsko FM odsudzujú použitie sily pri protestoch v Gruzínsku
German Defense Minister: Russia Shows Increased Presence in Baltic Sea
An international police crackdown is under way against people smugglers aiming to transport migrants to the United Kingdom via France, including raids in western Germany, German police say
Nemecká kancelárka: Rusko nemá právo diktovať Ukrajine mierové podmienky
German Lufthansa extends suspension of flights to Tel Aviv until January 31
Nemecko oznámilo novú vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine v hodnote 650 miliónov eur
Police in Germany’s capital, Berlin, have evacuated Lichtenberg train station and detained a man found in possession of an object with protruding wires, which local authorities have identified as an “improvised explosive and incendiary device
Russia's extensive use of hybrid measures against western targets increases the risk that NATO may eventually consider invoking the alliance's Article 5 mutual defence clause, the head of Germany's foreign intelligence service said
Head of German foreign intelligence: Russia's is aiming to prove that NATO will not stand united in an article 5 scenario - Reuters
Head of German foreign intelligence service: the Kremlin sees Germany as an adversary, we are in a direct confrontation with Moscow - Reuters
Rusko vyhostí 2 novinárov ARD, - ruské ministerstvo zahraničia
VW announces that it will give up its company presence in Xinjiang
1 Mesiac Pred CR70 farmers have arrived at the edge of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Police have blocked the passage. Tractors are honking in protest
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, where a meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan began
Nemecko a Fínsko sú „hlboko znepokojené" prerušením podmorského telekomunikačného kábla: spoločné vyhlásenie
Po správach fínskych médií, že nevysvetliteľná porucha podmorského telekomunikačného kábla prerušila komunikačné služby medzi Fínskom a Nemeckom, Telia tvrdí, že bol poškodený aj komunikačný kábel medzi Litvou a Švédskom.
For the second Monday in a row, drivers in Frankfurt protested against Uber and other ride-hailing companies. They demanded more money for their work
1 Mesiac Pred Ruská opozícia zorganizovala v Berlíne protivojnové zhromaždenie
1 Mesiac Pred Prezident Zelenskyj: Čo sa týka jednej z dnešných správ. Kancelár Scholz povedal, že sa chystá zavolať Putinovi. Olafovo volanie je podľa mňa Pandorina skrinka. Teraz môžu prebiehať iné rozhovory, iné hovory. Len veľa slov. A to je presne to, čo Putin už dlho chce: je pre neho kľúčové oslabiť jeho izoláciu. Izolácia Ruska. A zapojiť sa do rokovaní, obyčajných rokovaní, ktoré k ničomu nepovedú. Tak ako to robí už desaťročia. To Rusku umožnilo nič zmeniť na svojej politike, neurobiť nič podstatné a nakoniec to viedlo k tejto vojne. Teraz chápeme všetky tieto výzvy. Vieme, ako konať. A chceme všetkých varovať: Minsk-3 nebude; čo potrebujeme, je skutočný mier
1 Mesiac Pred Scholz telefonuje s Putinom
Nemecký kancelár Olaf Scholz telefonuje s ruským prezidentom Putinom. Je to prvýkrát, čo prehovorili od roku 2022
Chancellor Scholz is ready to pave the way for new elections this year. He told ARD that it would be no problem for him to ask the question of confidence before Christmas
Hundreds of Amhara residents in Frankfurt Germany protest against Abiy Ahmed government
1 Mesiac Pred Protest by Syrians in Stuttgart, Germany against the forced deportation of Syrians
US State Department: Blinken discussed with his German counterpart efforts to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza