Ministri vanjskih poslova Francuske, Njemačke i Poljske osudili su upotrebu sile na prosvjedima u Gruziji
German Defense Minister: Russia Shows Increased Presence in Baltic Sea
An international police crackdown is under way against people smugglers aiming to transport migrants to the United Kingdom via France, including raids in western Germany, German police say
Njemačka kancelarka: Rusija nema pravo diktirati Ukrajini mirovne uvjete
German Lufthansa extends suspension of flights to Tel Aviv until January 31
Njemačka najavljuje novu vojnu pomoć Ukrajini u vrijednosti od 650 milijuna eura
Police in Germany’s capital, Berlin, have evacuated Lichtenberg train station and detained a man found in possession of an object with protruding wires, which local authorities have identified as an “improvised explosive and incendiary device
Russia's extensive use of hybrid measures against western targets increases the risk that NATO may eventually consider invoking the alliance's Article 5 mutual defence clause, the head of Germany's foreign intelligence service said
Head of German foreign intelligence: Russia's is aiming to prove that NATO will not stand united in an article 5 scenario - Reuters
Head of German foreign intelligence service: the Kremlin sees Germany as an adversary, we are in a direct confrontation with Moscow - Reuters
Rusija će protjerati 2 novinara ARD-a, - rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
VW announces that it will give up its company presence in Xinjiang
1 mjesec pre CR70 farmers have arrived at the edge of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Police have blocked the passage. Tractors are honking in protest
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, where a meeting with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan began
Njemačka i Finska 'duboko zabrinute' zbog prekinutog podmorskog telekomunikacijskog kabela: zajednička izjava
Nakon izvješća finskih medija da je neobjašnjivi kvar na podvodnom telekomunikacijskom kabelu poremetio komunikacijske usluge između Finske i Njemačke, Telia kaže da je oštećen i komunikacijski kabel između Litve i Švedske
For the second Monday in a row, drivers in Frankfurt protested against Uber and other ride-hailing companies. They demanded more money for their work
2 mjesec pre Ruska opozicija organizirala je antiratni skup u Berlinu
2 mjesec pre Predsjednik Zelenski: Što se tiče jedne od današnjih vijesti. Kancelar Scholz rekao je da će nazvati Putina. Olafov poziv je, po mom mišljenju, Pandorina kutija. Sada mogu biti drugi razgovori, drugi pozivi. Samo puno riječi. A to je upravo ono što Putin već dugo želi: za njega je ključno oslabiti svoju izolaciju. Izolacija Rusije. I upustiti se u pregovore, obične pregovore, to neće dovesti do ničega. Kao što to radi već desetljećima. To je omogućilo Rusiji da ništa ne promijeni u svojoj politici, da ne učini ništa bitno, i na kraju je dovelo do ovog rata. Sada razumijemo sve te izazove. Znamo kako se ponašati. I želimo upozoriti sve: neće biti Minska-3; ono što nam treba je pravi mir
2 mjesec pre Scholz razgovara s Putinom telefonom
Njemački kancelar Olaf Scholz razgovara telefonom s ruskim predsjednikom Putinom. To je prvi put da su razgovarali od 2022
Chancellor Scholz is ready to pave the way for new elections this year. He told ARD that it would be no problem for him to ask the question of confidence before Christmas
Hundreds of Amhara residents in Frankfurt Germany protest against Abiy Ahmed government
2 mjesec pre Protest by Syrians in Stuttgart, Germany against the forced deportation of Syrians
US State Department: Blinken discussed with his German counterpart efforts to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza
2 mjesec pre Scholz is open to an earlier date for the vote of confidence - it depends on the upcoming legislative decisions. He wants to speak to the opposition soon
Chancellor's speech is a general reckoning with Christian Lindner. "Too often compromises have been made through publicly staged disputes. Too often Federal Minister Lindner has blocked laws that are irrelevant to the matter. Too often he has acted in a petty party-political manner. Too often he has broken my trust." Scholz justifies Lindner's dismissal in the Chancellery with the words: "I see myself as being forced to take this step in order to avert damage to our country." He had previously offered an economic package, including demands from the FDP. "No willingness whatsoever" for this from Lindner
Scholz on Lindner's dismissal: "I see myself compelled to take this step in order to avert damage to our country."
Germany’s three-party ruling coalition collapsed after Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced he would fire his Finance Minister Christian Lindner over persistent disagreements about economic reforms
Germany's Scholz, France's Macron discussed 'close coordination' after US vote, says Berlin