22 Studeni 2024
7 mjesec pre
Germany calls on its citizens to leave Iran
Germany’s @lufthansa has extended the suspension of its flights to and from Tehran until Thursday, April 18, due to the current situation in the Middle East, @dpa_intl reported, citing a company spokesperson
Security in Dusseldorf arrested teenagers who planned terrorist acts in the name of ISIS Khorasan
Germany arrests 3 teenagers who are suspected with planning an islamist attack
7 mjesec pre
Iranian Foreign Minister: We do not seek to expand the scope of the war in the region
7 mjesec pre
Germany's foreign minister Annalena Baerbock discussed the tense situation in the Middle East with her Iranian counterpart and urged all sides to act responsibly and exercise restraint, the foreign ministry in Berlin said on Thursday
Iran’s FM told his German counterpart that “the reason why Germany's efforts to establish a cease-fire in Gaza have been fruitless should be found in the lack of German neutrality in this genocide”
7 mjesec pre
Reuters: German Lufthansa airlines suspends its flights to and from Tehran until tomorrow, Thursday, due to the current situation in the Middle East
7 mjesec pre
German police arrested two suspected ISIS members) on Wednesday for allegedly enslaving and abusing two young Yazidi girls in Iraq and Syria between 2015 and 2017
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AFP: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will visit China next Saturday
Nicaragua's legal team: German military manufacturing companies profit from the war in Gaza
7 mjesec pre
Njemačka kancelarka: Potpora Ukrajine ključna je za obnovu mira u Europi
7 mjesec pre
German Foreign Minister: There are no excuses for Israel to prevent the implementation of its promises to allow humanitarian aid to reach the Gaza Strip
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Berlin believes that Israel "no longer has an excuse" to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza
7 mjesec pre
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Njemačke: Prekretnica prema pravednom miru za Ukrajinu: Od danas će registar pri Vijeću Europe bilježiti svu štetu koju je Rusija prouzročila svojim agresorskim ratom kršeći međunarodno pravo. Na taj će način tvrdnje Ukrajine biti crno na bijelo dokumentirane
8 mjesec pre
German Foreign Minister: The humanitarian situation in Gaza is like hell
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Germany: Islamic State Khurasan supporters arrested for plotting an attack against Swedish interests - were in communication with ISKP members
8 mjesec pre
Njemački ministar obrane najavljuje novi paket pomoći Ukrajini vrijedan 500 milijuna eura
8 mjesec pre
German Chancellor: Germany stands with Israel and affirms its right to self-defense against Hamas terrorism
The German Air Force announced that it had dropped 4.4 tons of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip together with the US, Egyptian and Jordanian armies8 mjesec pre
The German Air Force announced that it had dropped 4.4 tons of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip together with the US, Egyptian and Jordanian armies
@Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz has arrived in Israel8 mjesec pre
@Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz has arrived in Israel
8 mjesec pre
Od sada ćemo nabavljati još više oružja za Ukrajinu - na cijelom svjetskom tržištu - kancelar Scholz o rezultatima sastanka s francuskim predsjednikom Macronom i poljskim premijerom Tuskom
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski razgovarao je telefonom s njemačkim saveznim kancelarom Olafom Scholzom8 mjesec pre
Predsjednik Ukrajine Zelenski razgovarao je telefonom s njemačkim saveznim kancelarom Olafom Scholzom
8 mjesec pre
German Foreign Ministry: Israel's policy of building settlements in the occupied Palestinian Territories is a grave violation of international law and undermines all endeavours with regard to a two-state solution. We condemn yesterday's construction approval
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Njemački ministar obrane: Uvjerio sam naše saveznike da je komunikacijski sustav vojske i dalje pouzdan
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Njemački ministar obrane: Rusija želi stvoriti podjelu u Njemačkoj
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Presretnuti razgovor časnika Bundeswehra ukazuje na to da se Njemačka priprema za rat s Rusijom, rekao je zamjenik predsjednika ruskog Vijeća sigurnosti Medvedev
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Njemački kancelar Scholz obećao je istragu nakon što su ruski mediji objavili snimku časnika njemačkog zrakoplovstva kako razgovaraju o potpori Ukrajini
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Šef češke obrambene politike, Jan Jires, donosi vrućinu: "Neki ključni segmenti europske obrambene industrije sada imaju bolje rezultate od američke obrambene industrije. Rheinmetall u Njemačkoj proizvodi više od 155 topničkih granata nego cijela američka obrambena industrija zajedno."
8 mjesec pre
Germany will purchase up to 49 Skyranger 30 air defense systems from Rheinmetall for a total of almost €600 billion, or $650 billion, the company announced in a press release this week.