5 Oktober 2024
1 år sedan
Ukrainas president Zelenskij: Tack till Tyskland för det största paketet med militärt bistånd sedan början av den fullskaliga ryska invasionen. Tyska luftförsvarssystem, artilleri, stridsvagnar och infanteristridsfordon räddar ukrainska liv och för oss närmare seger
President Zelensky har anlänt till Berlin1 år sedan
President Zelensky har anlänt till Berlin
1 år sedan
Two people have been killed in a shooting at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, southern Germany, according to the company.
The Chinese foreign minister calls on Germany to contain differences with China through dialogue on the basis of mutual respect
1 år sedan
German FM: We keep our focus on the conflict in Syria. The new EU sanctions package targets the trafficking of Captagon. The Pro-Assad forces profits massively from this drug. Perpetrators of the 2013 Tadamon massacre were also listed
Luftwaffe has now evacuated 214 German citizens and other passengers from Khartoum, via two A400M, flying from Sudan to Jordan, where Bundeswehr also maintains further military personnel to support more ops, if the cease fire breaks down. Overall three A400M are involved so far
@SecDef bekräftar att de amerikansktillverkade M1 Abrams-stridsvagnarna som ukrainarna kommer att använda för träning kommer att anlända till Tyskland inom de närmaste veckorna
Under mötet i Ramstein-format ägde ett möte med stridsvagnskoalitionen rum: Ukraina, Polen och Tyskland undertecknade en avsiktsförklaring om att skapa ett underhållscenter för ukrainska Leopard 2-stridsvagnar i Polen
1 år sedan
Germany MFA: We strongly condemn the Myanmar army's airstrike killing dozens of civilians, including many children. Our thoughts are with the victims & their families. We expect the government to end the violence against its people immediately. @ASEAN's 5-point-consensus must be fully implemented
1 år sedan
Berlin ordered Chad's ambassador to Germany to leave the country within 48h in response to a similar move by N'Djamena last week
1 år sedan
German Federal Office of Justice has initiated fine proceedings against Twitter. "The Internet is not a lawless space," says the Justice Minister
Two people were found dead in a parking garage at Frankfurt Airport during the night. The police found a weapon - and suspected a relationship crime
65 Ukrainska flygförsvarare genomförde Patriot-träning i Fort Sill Oklahoma och har nu kommit tillbaka till Europa. De integrerar med andra Ukrainas luftförsvarare tillsammans med donerad Patriot-luftvärnsutrustning från USA, Tyskland och Nederländerna - Pentagon spox
1 år sedan
German Foreign Minister: We will impose a sixth package of sanctions related to the violation of human rights on Iran
Ukrainas försvarsminister: Ramstein 10 börjar. Den här gången träffas vi online
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023.   (AFP)1 år sedan
Camera: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz greets Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev as he arrives at the Chancellery in Berlin, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. (AFP)
After finding a dead man in Niederkassel-Lülsdorf, the police arrested a possible perpetrator. The alleged perpetrator and the victim knew each other
1 år sedan
The perpetrator of the attack in Hamburg is 35-year-old Philipp F., a former member of the community of Jehovah's Witnesses. He shot seven people and then himself. Several people are seriously injured in the hospital
1 år sedan
Hamburg police: According to initial findings, a shot was fired in a church on Deelböge Street in the GroßBorstel district. Several people were seriously injured, some even fatally. We are on site with a large contingent of forces. Further information follows. shootout h0903
1 år sedan
Perpetrators on the run: At least six dead after shots in Hamburg
1 år sedan
Den tyske utrikesministern spränger en "fars" av den vitryska rättighetsförsvararen Bialiatskis rättegång
1 år sedan
During Exercise Griffin Lightning in Lithuania, around 600 German soldiers are training in close cooperation with the Lithuanian armed forces
The World War II bomb in Potsdam was successfully defused. The restricted area of 1,000 meters was lifted again
1 år sedan
'Don't send weapons to Russia,' Germany's Scholz urges China
"The two German diplomats are being expelled due to Germany's irresponsible interference in Iran's internal and judicial affairs," state media quoted Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani as saying
1 år sedan
Tyskland kommer att leverera ytterligare fyra Leopard 2 huvudstridsstridsvagnar från Bundeswehr-lager till Ukraina, vilket ger det totala antalet till 18
At around 4 a.m. today, a fire broke out in a vacant low-rise building in Dresden-Prohlis. Nobody was injured. The police have launched an investigation into arson. More reports from the Dresden police department:1 år sedan
At around 4 a.m. today, a fire broke out in a vacant low-rise building in Dresden-Prohlis. Nobody was injured. The police have launched an investigation into arson. More reports from the Dresden police department:
1 år sedan
Germany has declared two employees of the Iranian embassy personae non gratae and ordered them to leave the country in protest over Iran sentencing a German national to death
Att träna ukrainska soldater i Tyskland är vår högsta prioritet. Försvarsminister Pistorius besöker Bundeswehr Armored Corps Training Center i Munster i dag, där han kommer att se EUMAM-utbildningsuppdraget för de ukrainska väpnade styrkorna i aktion
Under helgen lyfte 2 tyska Eurofighters från Ämari Air Base i Estland. De identifierade en rysk AN 124-1001 år sedan
Under helgen lyfte 2 tyska Eurofighters från Ämari Air Base i Estland. De identifierade en rysk AN 124-100