5 Oktober 2024
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Duitse bondskanselier: Internationale druk dwong Rusland zich terug te trekken uit de dreiging van het gebruik van kernwapens
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Het Duitse Ministerie van Defensie heeft bevestigd dat er een akkoord is bereikt tussen Polen en Duitsland over de stationering van Duitse Patriot-raketafweersystemen in Polen, meldt DW.
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German Federal Public Prosecutor: Eight alleged "Reich citizens" already in custody
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized1 jaar geleden
Reichsbürger: During the major raid, more than 130 objects in Germany were searched and 25 people, including a former AfD member of the Bundestag, were arrested. Weapons and large amounts of money were also seized
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Duits ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken: we onderzoeken elke mogelijke relatie tussen Rusland en de rechtse couppoging
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Thousands of police officers carried out raids across much of Germany on Wednesday against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the government in an armed coup
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Explosive: Bundestag confirms that Malsack-Winkemann as an ex-AfD MdB 1 has house ID. This means that she can enter the building at any time after passing through the admission control. She has no access "until there are further findings" from the Federal Public Prosecutor General
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Het Kremlin: Er bestaat geen twijfel over enige Russische betrokkenheid bij een vermeend extreemrechts complot om de Duitse regering omver te werpen
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Around 3,000 officers were deployed in eleven federal states. The media also report a raid in Kitzbühel. One Austrian citizen was among those arrested. The German Minister of Justice speaks of a "suspected terror network"
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The ex-AfD member of the Bundestag Birgit Malsack-Winkemann, who was arrested during the raid today, had just fought to be allowed to continue working as a judge. Incidentally, she is also an assessor in the important Federal Arbitration Court of the AfD
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#Massive raids in Germany against suspected far-right extremists who allegedly sought to overthrow the state by force 25 people arrested Raids conducted across 11 German states Some 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites
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A right-wing terrorist group is said to have planned the coup underground. They probably wanted to storm the Bundestag and trained with weapons. The former AfD MdB Birgit Malsack-Winkemann is one of them. House searches have been going on since this morning
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German Chancellor: The main question is what threats we have to face with our allies in Europe, most notably from Russia
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Duitse regeringswoordvoerder: Scholz drong er bij Poetin op aan het conflict met Oekraïne via diplomatie op te lossen en troepen uit Oekraïne terug te trekken
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Duitse regeringswoordvoerder: Scholz veroordeelde Russische aanvallen op infrastructuur in Oekraïne tijdens telefoongesprekken met Poetin
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Poetin en Scholz hadden een telefoontje, bespraken Oekraïne, - Kremlin
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Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
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Duitse bondskanselier: Rusland zal de oorlog tegen Oekraïne niet winnen
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German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
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In the trial of the murder of a policewoman and a policeman near Kusel, the defense appealed against the verdict. The main accused was sentenced to life imprisonment in Kaiserslautern yesterday
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De hongersnood in Oekraïne in de jaren dertig, waarbij miljoenen mensen om het leven kwamen, was het resultaat van politieke beslissingen van de toenmalige Sovjetleiding: de Bondsdag beschouwt de Holodomor nu als een misdaad tegen de menselijkheid
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Het Europees Parlement: Aleksandr Loekasjenko moet voor het tribunaal verschijnen. Het EP veroordeelde de schendingen van de mensenrechten in het land en het Russische gebruik van Wit-Rusland voor militaire doeleinden
The head of BBN @JacekSiewiera received @Amb_Niemiec today. The talks focused on increasing the security of the eastern flank and supporting Ukraine. The head of the BBN also announced that President @AndrzejDuda appreciates the German offer to strengthen the security of the Polish airspace with Patriot systems1 jaar geleden
The head of BBN @JacekSiewiera received @Amb_Niemiec today. The talks focused on increasing the security of the eastern flank and supporting Ukraine. The head of the BBN also announced that President @AndrzejDuda appreciates the German offer to strengthen the security of the Polish airspace with Patriot systems
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Germany: We agree with Washington to shift the focus on Iran from the nuclear deal to cracking down on protesters
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Der Spiegel on a German army document: The conflict on NATO's eastern border with Russia is more likely than ever
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Economy ministry: Germany has nationalised SEFE, formerly Gazprom Germania , due to excessive debt and the threat of insolvency
Kanselier Scholz: Poetins oorlog vormt een uitdaging voor de mondiale vreedzame orde. In Peking heb ik president Xi gevraagd zijn invloed op Rusland uit te oefenen. We zijn het erover eens dat atoomdreigingen extreem gevaarlijk zijn. Het gebruik van dergelijke wapens zou een rode lijn overschrijden1 jaar geleden
Kanselier Scholz: Poetins oorlog vormt een uitdaging voor de mondiale vreedzame orde. In Peking heb ik president Xi gevraagd zijn invloed op Rusland uit te oefenen. We zijn het erover eens dat atoomdreigingen extreem gevaarlijk zijn. Het gebruik van dergelijke wapens zou een rode lijn overschrijden
German chancellor Scholz becomes first G7 leader to visit Beijing since the Covid-19 pandemic. Pic via Reuters1 jaar geleden
German chancellor Scholz becomes first G7 leader to visit Beijing since the Covid-19 pandemic. Pic via Reuters
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Germany asks citizens to leave Iran immediately
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Duitsland beperkt energieprijzen vanaf begin 2023: overheid