5 Lapkritis 2024
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Vokietijos kancleris: sutinkame, kad dujų kainos yra labai aukštos, todėl turime kalbėtis su Norvegija, JAV ir kitomis šalimis, kaip sumažinti kainas
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Vokietijos kanclerė: Rusijos puolimas prieš Ukrainą yra žiaurus taikos ir saugumo sistemos Europoje pažeidimas
Prancūzija ir Vokietija bendradarbiauja gabendamos Ukrainos dovanotą maistą į Somalį ir Etiopiją2 metų prieš
Prancūzija ir Vokietija bendradarbiauja gabendamos Ukrainos dovanotą maistą į Somalį ir Etiopiją
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The issue of reparations from the point of view of the federal government is closed - the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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Poland's FM @RauZbigniew has signed a formal diplomatic note to Germany over reparations for World War II WW2
Poland's FM @RauZbigniew has signed a formal diplomatic note to Germany over reparations for World War II WW2
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German Finance Minister acknowledges "we are in an energy war" - @AFP
Germany calling on Iran to "immediately cease" the attacks
Vokietijos FM @ABaerbock paragino nustatyti naujas sankcijas Iranui dėl Islamo Respublikos smurtinio susidorojimo su Irano protestais 2022, sakydamas: „Dabar turėsime labai greitai pasikalbėti ES sluoksniuose apie tolesnes pasekmes, o man tai taip pat apima sankcijas atsakingiems asmenims.
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United Arab Emirates to supply Germany with gas and diesel: deal
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Vokietija pasiruošusi priimti rusų dezertyrus: ministrai
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According to SPIEGEL information, investigators are searching the villas of billionaire Alisher Usmanov on Lake Tegernsee. It's about tax evasion and money laundering
The operator of the Isar II nuclear power plant in southern Germany has informed the environment ministry of a leak at the site, which has not compromised security but could require repair work, the ministry said on Monday2 metų prieš
The operator of the Isar II nuclear power plant in southern Germany has informed the environment ministry of a leak at the site, which has not compromised security but could require repair work, the ministry said on Monday
Series of fires in Zuzenhause - Suspects determinedfire Two children under criminal responsibility are suspected of having caused several fires in Zuzenhausen2 metų prieš
Series of fires in Zuzenhause - Suspects determinedfire Two children under criminal responsibility are suspected of having caused several fires in Zuzenhausen
Lenkijos Seimas priėmė nutarimą dėl Lenkijos reikalavimo atlyginti Vokietijos padarytą žalą Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais2 metų prieš
Lenkijos Seimas priėmė nutarimą dėl Lenkijos reikalavimo atlyginti Vokietijos padarytą žalą Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais
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V.Putinas ir Scholzas pirmą kartą nuo gegužės mėnesio susikalbėjo telefonu
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A group of smugglers is said to have illegally brought almost 150 migrants to Germany. One of the suspects has now been arrested in Kummersbruck. The federal police had previously searched apartments throughout Germany
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Reuters: 4 people arrested in a security operation against an Iranian drug smuggling gang
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Prezidentas Zelenskis: Kalbėjosi telefonu su Vokietijos kancleriu @OlafScholz įvairiomis temomis. Padėkojo už patvirtintą 5 milijardų eurų makrofinansinę ES pagalbą, pabrėžė visavertės TVF programos poreikį. Aptarti planai, kaip toliau stiprinti Ukrainos gynybinius pajėgumus
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German court hands Islamic State member 10 years in prison for murder, war crimes
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Germany will keep two nuclear power stations available until the middle of April next year to serve as an emergency back-up through the winter rather than shutting them down at the end of the year as originally planned, Der Spiegel reported
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German Chancellor: Approval of a package of 65 billion euros to ease the effects of inflation
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says that Russia is not a reliable energy partner2 metų prieš
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says that Russia is not a reliable energy partner
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Customs officers have raided a network of German companies suspected of selling precursors that could be used in the manufacture of chemical weapons to a Russian firm contracted by the FSB
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German court begins trial of a Palestinian-Syrian individual over charges of crimes he committed in Syria
Kancleris Olafas Scholzas lankėsi Ukrainos kariuomenės poligone Vokietijoje2 metų prieš
Kancleris Olafas Scholzas lankėsi Ukrainos kariuomenės poligone Vokietijoje
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The morning after the attic fire and explosion in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen: according to the fire department, no injuries. Apparently, a compressed gas tank had exploded during the fire
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Vokietijos kanclerė: kontaktas su Putinu yra svarbus, kad jis žinotų mūsų reikalavimus ir suvoktų, jog jam reikia prisiimti savo pareigas
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Germany is suspending its military mission in Mali until further notice
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German Chancellor: We are discussing setting a ceiling on oil prices, not only among the members of the Group of Seven, but with other partners
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Unknown location
Anatolijus Chubaisas yra intensyviosios terapijos skyriuje Europos klinikoje, diagnozuotas Guillain-Barré sindromas - Ksenia Sobchak