29 Sausio 2025
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Vokietijos kancleris @OlafScholz sako nelinkęs siųsti sunkiosios ginkluotės Ukrainai dėl realios branduolinio karo grėsmės. Jis lygina savo situaciją su savo pirmtakų padėtimi, kurioms teko stebėti, kaip Kremliaus tankai žlugdo demokratiją Rytų Europoje.
Gynybos sekretorius Lloydas Austinas kitą savaitę pakvietė 40 valstybių į konferenciją dėl Ukrainos gynybos poreikių Amerikos bazėje Vokietijoje, 20 šalių sutiko: Pentagono konferencija įvyks kitą antradienį. Tai taip pat padės patenkinti Ukrainos pokario karinius poreikius
In the middle of the city woman (77) stabbed in a Cologne shopping arcade – police with arrest. A 77-year-old woman was attacked with scissors on Friday afternoon and suffered life-threatening injuries. The police were on site with numerous forces
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Scholzas atmeta „šmeižikišką" savo partijos Rusijos politikos kritiką
JAV gynybos sekretorius Lloydas Austinas balandžio 26 d. Ramsteino oro bazėje Vokietijoje surengs į Ukrainą orientuotas gynybos derybas su sąjungininkais, pranešė Pentagonas.
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Around 170 women demonstrated in Berlin against rape in the war against Ukraine and against the import of Russian natural gas
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"The same old story since the beginning of the Russian invasion: The German chancellor is never the first and often even the last when it comes to responding in this war" German magazine @derspiegel on "The #Scholz problem"
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Germany, Portugal, Spain leaders urge French to back Macron
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Putinas prisiima atsakomybę už „karo nusikaltimus" Ukrainoje, sako Vokietijos kanclerė
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Vokietijos kancleris: Sutarėme su savo partneriais aprūpinti Ukraina tolimojo nuotolio artileriją
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Vokietijos kanclerė: Mes ir toliau remsime Ukrainą finansiškai ir kariškai
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Vokietijos kanclerė: sankcijų Rusijai poveikis yra katastrofiškas
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Austinas šiandien paskambino telefonu su Vokietijos kolege Christine Lambrecht, praėjus kelioms valandoms po to, kai Berlynas paskelbė apie gynybos išlaidų didinimą Ukrainai paremti.
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Vokietijos finansų ministras patvirtina spaudos pranešimus: Vokietija išties išleidžia 2 milijardus eurų karinei įrangai, didžioji jos dalis skirta Ukrainai
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A German-French-Italian-Spanish statement: We are deeply concerned about the scenes of clashes and the escalation of violence in Jerusalem
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Ukraine presidential adviser denies Zelenskiy rejected visit offer from German president Steinmeier as reported by bild newspaper - CNN interview
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German authorities arrested former Syrian Salafist militant who participated in the Syrian war
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Germany in 2023 recession if Russian gas stopped: economic institutes
FM @ABaerbock during her visit to Mali: In view of the military coups & the postponed elections, the training of Malian soldiers at EUTM cannot continue as before. As EU, we will have to fundamentally review the mission
Steinmeier not looking happy having received news of Ukraine blocking trip:  Says he wanted to send strong signal of EU solidarity alongside presidents of Baltics & Poland. I was ready but apparently (and I need to take note) this was not desired in Kyiv2 metų prieš
Steinmeier not looking happy having received news of Ukraine blocking trip: Says he wanted to send "strong signal of EU solidarity" alongside presidents of Baltics & Poland. "I was ready but apparently (and I need to take note) this was not desired in Kyiv"
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German Foreign Minister stresses that Ukraine needs more weapons, especially heavy weapons
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President Zelensky: Had a phone conversation with @OlafScholz. We emphasized that all perpetrators of war crimes must be identified and punished. We also discussed anti-Russian sanctions, defense and financial support for Ukraine
An anti-militarist alliance demonstrated in Berlin Mitte today. Around 400 people protested against the war in Ukraine, against Putin, against NATO and against rearmament. B0904 Photos:2 metų prieš
An anti-militarist alliance demonstrated in Berlin Mitte today. Around 400 people protested against the war in Ukraine, against Putin, against NATO and against rearmament. B0904 Photos:
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The UK will provide a new delivery of military aid to Ukraine, the Prime Minister has announced at a Downing Street press conference alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
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A fire broke out in a recycling plant in an industrial area in Sonneberg. Residents should keep windows and doors closed, police warn.
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German Foreign Ministry: The formation of a presidential council in Yemen is an important step to resolve the crisis
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German President Steinmeier calls for war crimes tribunal against Putin and Lavrov - Spiegel
A gunman opened fire in central Tel Aviv, police said, in what appears to be the latest in a string of attacks across Israel. First responders reported at least five casualties on Dizengoff Street, according to @haaretzcom, including at least one in serious condition
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Interior Minister Faeser: "Z" is a symbol of support for Russia's war of aggression and can thus be prosecuted as a crime in Germany. I support taking steps whenever the threshold to criminal liability is crossed. The state has a mandate to protect people here
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Der Spiegel: German intelligence has radio recordings of Russian soldiers discussing atrocities against civilians in Bucha