17 September 2024
German President: Egypt plays pivotal role in delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip
1 week ago
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser will on Monday announce temporary border controls at all of Germany's land borders in order to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from Islamist extremism, a government source told Reuters
Il presidente Zelenskyi ha incontrato in Germania il cancelliere federale Olaf Scholz
Segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti: continueremo a fornire supporto all'Ucraina finché non produrrà le proprie armi
Il segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti Lloyd Austin: Washington annuncia oggi nuovi aiuti militari all'Ucraina per un valore di 250 milioni di dollari
Segretario alla Difesa USA: il mondo sarà più pericoloso se l'Ucraina non vince
Segretario alla Difesa degli Stati Uniti: Biden annuncerà oggi un nuovo pacchetto di aiuti militari per l'Ucraina
Segretario alla Difesa USA: stiamo utilizzando i beni russi congelati per finanziare l'acquisto di armi per l'Ucraina
Zelenskyy ha confermato di essere arrivato alla base aerea di Ramstein in Germania per partecipare alla riunione del Gruppo di contatto per la difesa dell'Ucraina
Munich police said the shooting at Israel consulate was a terror act
German police: Munich shooting suspect dead
Active shooter, incident ongoing near Munich's Israel consulate
Shots fired outside Israeli consulate in Munich, Germany - @RonenSteinke
1 week ago
German Foreign Ministry: There is no military solution to Gaza or the situation in the West Bank
2 week ago
Germany's AfD is projected to win in regional elections in Thuringia — the first time for a German far-right party since 1945
The latest forecast for the state election in Thuringia. ltwthüringen2 week ago
The latest forecast for the state election in Thuringia. ltwthüringen
.⁦@CDU⁩ remains the strongest political force in Sachsen. In Thűringen as expected it is AfD as the strongest party
According to information from @gabonn, an explosion occurred this morning at DynITEC in Troisdorf, injuring several people. The company belongs to Diehl Defence and is one of the most important suppliers of explosives for Diehl Defence, Rheinmetall and other companies
2 week ago
Germany deports Afghan nationals for first time since Taliban takeover in 2021
2 week ago
After Solingen: German Government agrees on migration package of measures
German Bild: Police arrest Syrian from refugee center after Solingen stabbing
German police: We are raiding a building in Solingen following a stabbing attack
The Islamic State has claimed the Solingen stabbing attack.
German Interior Minister: Security services are doing everything they can to arrest the attacker in the stabbing incident in Solingen, western Germany
Several fatalities in stabbing attack on Solingen, Germany, according to local reports
German Lufthansa: Suspension of flights to Beirut until September 30
Il capo della politica estera dell'UE: preoccupanti i tagli agli aiuti tedeschi all'Ucraina
3 week ago
Il livello di sicurezza presso la base aerea NATO di Geilenkirchen è stato innalzato in base a informazioni di intelligence che indicavano una potenziale minaccia. Tutto il personale non essenziale alla missione è stato rimandato a casa come misura precauzionale
4 week ago
German Foreign Ministry summons Iranian ambassador in Berlin
4 week ago
EU Commission approves Germany's €5bn mega-subsidy package for TSMC's semiconductor factory investment in Dresden.“The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €5 billion German measure to support European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘ESMC') in the construction and operation of a microchip manufacturing plant in Dresden. ESMC is a joint venture between Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘TSMC'), Bosch, Infineon, and NXP. The measure will strengthen Europe's security of supply, resilience and digital sovereignty in semiconductor technologies, in line with the objectives set out in the European Chips Act Communication