8 De septiembre de 2024
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Ucrania puede disparar contra territorio ruso con equipo militar suministrado desde Alemania. Según información de SPIEGEL, el gobierno ahora quiere permitirlo. Otros socios occidentales también lo permiten
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Alemania ha prometido un nuevo paquete de ayuda militar por valor de 500 millones de euros a Ucrania. Así lo anunció el ministro de Defensa alemán, Boris Pistorius, durante una visita sorpresa a Ucrania. El paquete contiene una gran cantidad de misiles IRIS-T SL y una pequeña cantidad de misiles IRIS-T.
Scholz sugiere que Ucrania también podría utilizar armas occidentales (alemanas) para atacar objetivos en Rusia si atacan a Ucrania. La regla es que esto debe ser siempre dentro del marco del derecho internacional. Macron es aún más claro: Se les debe permitir hacerlo.3 mes atrás
Scholz sugiere que Ucrania también podría utilizar armas occidentales (alemanas) para atacar objetivos en Rusia si atacan a Ucrania. La regla es que "esto debe ser siempre dentro del marco del derecho internacional". Macron es aún más claro: "Se les debe permitir hacerlo".
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"Hacer la paz es un riesgo": en Alemania, Emmanuel Macron habla de la guerra en Ucrania
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Germany Foreign Minister says that The World Court ruling urging Israel to immediately halt its military offensive on Rafaf is binding and must be respected
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As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
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Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
El ministro alemán de Asuntos Exteriores, Baerbock, llega a Kyiv de visita3 mes atrás
El ministro alemán de Asuntos Exteriores, Baerbock, llega a Kyiv de visita
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El Ministerio de Defensa alemán acaba de publicar una nueva lista de países que contribuyen a la iniciativa alemana IAAD, cuyo objetivo es fortalecer la defensa aérea de Ucrania.
Yellen, secretaria del Tesoro estadounidense, en Alemania: Rusia ha apostado a que su brutal agresión puede durar más que nuestra determinación colectiva. Pero hemos demostrado que cuando un dictador toma medidas que amenazan a nuestro pueblo, nuestras economías y el orden basado en reglas, no daremos marcha atrás .3 mes atrás
Yellen, secretaria del Tesoro estadounidense, en Alemania: "Rusia ha apostado a que su brutal agresión puede durar más que nuestra determinación colectiva. Pero hemos demostrado que cuando un dictador toma medidas que amenazan a nuestro pueblo, nuestras economías y el orden basado en reglas, no daremos marcha atrás ".
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Scholz: France and Germany are deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia. Both our countries have always supported Georgia's European path. It has been charted – but speed and direction of moving forward depend on Georgia
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Según el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, el embajador en Rusia, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, permanecerá en Berlín durante una semana y luego regresará a Rusia. La medida se produce tras el presunto ciberataque ruso al SPD.
Scholz in Lithuania: The Chancellor assures defence against Russian aggression. President Nauseda, however, calls for more speed in setting up the German brigade in Lithuania. @RND_de
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Russia denies its involvement in the cyber attack on Germany
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Burning factory hall: Berlin fire brigade warns of smoke gases
There is also a larger pro-Palestinian supporter group that is prevented by the police from entering the HU grounds. Journalists are repeatedly attacked aggressively and shielded4 mes atrás
There is also a larger pro-Palestinian supporter group that is prevented by the police from entering the HU grounds. Journalists are repeatedly attacked aggressively and shielded
170 firefighters are deployed in Lichterfelde. A factory building in which chemicals are stored is burning. In addition to firefighting, air quality measurements are being carried out continuously in the city and the area of operation. As is usual with large fires: avoid smoky areas4 mes atrás
170 firefighters are deployed in Lichterfelde. A factory building in which chemicals are stored is burning. In addition to firefighting, air quality measurements are being carried out continuously in the city and the area of operation. As is usual with large fires: avoid smoky areas
Major fire in Lichterfelde Smoke is moving northwards and a warning has been issued. Advice on what to do if you smell fire in the area of the warning map:-Keep windows and doors closed. -Turn off air conditioning. -Avoid smoky areas4 mes atrás
Major fire in Lichterfelde Smoke is moving northwards and a warning has been issued. Advice on what to do if you smell fire in the area of the warning map:-Keep windows and doors closed. -Turn off air conditioning. -Avoid smoky areas
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El gobierno alemán: Condenamos los ciberataques rusos al Partido Socialdemócrata
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Germany Foreign Minister says Russia will face consequences for a cyber attack allegedly orchestrated by a group with ties to its military intelligence
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The US military has withdrawn troops from a French military base in Chad after the country demanded they leave last month, and have relocated to Germany, a Pentagon spokesperson and other sources familiar with the matter told CNN on Wednesday
The International Court of Justice rejects Nicaragua's case against Germany over support for the Gaza genocide
Olaf Scholz demands “consequences” following an extremist Islamist rally in Hamburg that called for establishing a “caliphate.” “All Islamist activities must be tackled using the possibilities and options of our constitutional state … All criminal offenses must be prosecuted.”4 mes atrás
Olaf Scholz demands “consequences” following an extremist Islamist rally in Hamburg that called for establishing a “caliphate.” “All Islamist activities must be tackled using the possibilities and options of our constitutional state … All criminal offenses must be prosecuted.”
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Two Kyrgyzstanis accused of creating terrorist association in GermanyAccording to the Prosecutor General’s Office of Germany, the accused were in contact with the terrorist group Wilayat Khorasan
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The German government: We will soon resume cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza
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Police have arrested a staff member of the German far-right Alternative for Germany party on suspicion of espionage for China. The employee is said to work for the AfD's top candidate for the European Parliament elections, Maximilian Krah
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Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Alemania: La sospecha de que Putin esté reclutando agentes en nuestro país para llevar a cabo ataques en suelo alemán es extremadamente grave. No permitiremos que Putin lleve su terror a Alemania. Así se lo comunicó hoy al embajador ruso durante una citación
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Russian Embassy in Germany: We have not received notification regarding the detention of Russian citizens suspected of espionage in Berlin
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Two alleged Russian spies arrested: German prosecutors
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The British and German Foreign Ministers will visit Israel in order to pressure it not to respond to Iran