1 July 2024
1 year ago
Germany to cap energy prices from start 2023: government
1 year ago
President Steinmeier says Russia's war on Ukraine 'has reduced European security order to rubble,' Germany needs stronger armed forces
1 year ago
The European Union urges countries to donate to support Ukrainian energy sector
Ambassador @AnkaFeldhusen welcomes Federal President Steinmeier in Kyiv1 year ago
Ambassador @AnkaFeldhusen welcomes Federal President Steinmeier in Kyiv
Our solidarity is unbroken and it will stay that way. Federal President Steinmeier has arrived in Ukraine1 year ago
"Our solidarity is unbroken and it will stay that way." Federal President Steinmeier has arrived in Ukraine
1 year ago
Spontaneous demonstrations broke out in Berlin because of the fire in Ewin prison in Tehran. The demonstrators demanded solidarity with the political prisoners in Iran and the resignation of the Iranian government with the shouts "Mullah must go".
Germany and 13 other NATO allies sign letter of intent for joint procurement of air defence systems in the category of systems such as Arrow 3 and Patriot
1 year ago
Thuringia's Prime Minister Ramelow sees East Germany in a dangerous social situation because of the street protests in the face of the energy crisis
EU ambassadors today agreed to set up an EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine with HQs in Germany and Poland. Should be greenlighted by EU foreign ministers on Monday and get off the ground as soon as possible
German Ministry of Defense: Meeting of Ramstein-Format at a special time: Russian missile attacks and partial mobilisation, sham referenda, Ukrainian counter-offensive. We coordinate our ongoing support. In the next few weeks, more PzH2000 and MARSII will be handed over to Ukraine
1 year ago
Germany calls on the G7 to work on reducing energy prices
1 year ago
German chancellor: The response of officials to the possibility of Putin using energy as a weapon at the beginning of the war was disappointing
1 year ago
President Zelensky:Agreed with Chancellor @OlafScholz on an urgent meeting of the G7 Group. My speech is scheduled, in which I'll tell about the terrorist attacks by RF. We also discussed the issue of increasing pressure on RF & aid in restoring damaged infrastructure
1 year ago
German rail operator Deutsche Bahn says sabotage caused the massive problems with the train network in the north of the country on Saturday
1 year ago
German Chancellor: We agree that gas prices are very high and we need to talk to Norway, the United States and other countries about how to reduce prices
1 year ago
German Chancellor: The Russian attack on Ukraine is a brutal violation of the peace and security system in Europe
France and Germany collaborate to transport food donated by Ukraine to Somalia and Ethiopia
1 year ago
The issue of reparations from the point of view of the federal government is closed - the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Poland's FM @RauZbigniew has signed a formal diplomatic note to Germany over reparations for World War II WW2
Poland's FM @RauZbigniew has signed a formal diplomatic note to Germany over reparations for World War II WW2
1 year ago
German Finance Minister acknowledges "we are in an energy war" - @AFP
Germany calling on Iran to "immediately cease" the attacks
German FM @ABaerbock has called for new sanctions on Iran over the Islamic Republic's violent crackdown on Iran Protests2022, saying, "We'll now have to talk very quickly in EU circles about further consequences, and for me this also includes sanctions against those responsible
United Arab Emirates to supply Germany with gas and diesel: deal
1 year ago
Germany ready to take in Russian deserters: ministers
1 year ago
According to SPIEGEL information, investigators are searching the villas of billionaire Alisher Usmanov on Lake Tegernsee. It's about tax evasion and money laundering
The operator of the Isar II nuclear power plant in southern Germany has informed the environment ministry of a leak at the site, which has not compromised security but could require repair work, the ministry said on Monday1 year ago
The operator of the Isar II nuclear power plant in southern Germany has informed the environment ministry of a leak at the site, which has not compromised security but could require repair work, the ministry said on Monday
Series of fires in Zuzenhause - Suspects determinedfire Two children under criminal responsibility are suspected of having caused several fires in Zuzenhausen1 year ago
Series of fires in Zuzenhause - Suspects determinedfire Two children under criminal responsibility are suspected of having caused several fires in Zuzenhausen
The Sejm of Poland passed a resolution on seeking reparations for damages caused by Germany to Poland during World War II
1 year ago
Putin and Scholz held a telephone conversation for the first time since May
1 year ago
A group of smugglers is said to have illegally brought almost 150 migrants to Germany. One of the suspects has now been arrested in Kummersbruck. The federal police had previously searched apartments throughout Germany