4 month ago Iran’s acting FM had phone calls with EU FP chief, UN Secretary General as well as foreign ministers of Germany, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Cyprus in past 24 hours to discuss the situation in Gaza
Germany asks its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately
German Foreign Minister: Parties in the Israeli government undermine its security interests
Alemanya transferirà el seu tercer sistema de defensa aèria Patriot, així com els sistemes antiaeris IRIS-T i Gepards, míssils i municions, a Ucraïna en les properes setmanes i mesos, va dir el canceller alemany Olaf Scholz l'11 de juny a Berlín durant la recuperació d'Ucraïna. Conferència
Germany: Olaf Scholz excludes early legislative elections after his setback in the European elections
Far-right parties on course for substantial EU election gains in Austria and Germany, exit polls suggest
Islamic State terror suspect is caught by policemen in Germany ahead of Euro 2024.He holds German, Moroccan and Polish passports. Other sites reported Germans suspect him of belonging to ISKP Germany
Israeli media: Contacts with Germany, Italy and other countries to prevent the imposition of European sanctions against Israel
AfD politician injured in second attack in less than a week in Mannheim, dpa reports
Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors alemany: l'enfortiment de la defensa aèria d'Ucraïna continua sent crucial. Alemanya està aportant un altre sistema Patriot i 500 milions d'euros addicionals. Junts, hem de mantenir el nostre suport i compromís ferms
An assailant with a knife attacked and wounded several people in the southwestern German city of Mannheim, police said. Police shot at the attacker
A right-wing German politician was stabbed in the Baden-Württemberg region
A Ucraïna se li permet disparar contra territori rus amb equipament militar subministrat des d'Alemanya. Segons informació de SPIEGEL, ara el govern vol permetre això. Altres socis occidentals també ho permeten
Alemanya ha promès un nou paquet d'ajuda militar per valor de 500 milions d'euros a Ucraïna. Així ho va anunciar el ministre de Defensa alemany, Boris Pistorius, durant una visita sorpresa a Ucraïna. El paquet conté un gran nombre de míssils IRIS-T SL i un petit nombre d'IRIS-T
5 month ago Scholz suggereix que Ucraïna també podria utilitzar armes occidentals (alemanys) per atacar objectius a Rússia si atacaven Ucraïna. La norma és que "això ha d'estar sempre en el marc del dret internacional". Macron ho és encara més clar: "Han de permetre'ls fer-ho".
"Fer la pau és un risc": a Alemanya, Emmanuel Macron parla de la guerra a Ucraïna
Germany Foreign Minister says that The World Court ruling urging Israel to immediately halt its military offensive on Rafaf is binding and must be respected
As the #WeimarTriangle, we are joining forces in the fight against disinformation. The EU is under crossfire from inside and outside. Espionage & disinformation campaigns are targeting the heart of European democracy, ahead of the European elections. - @ABaerbock in Weimar
Together we are adopting the Weimar Agenda for a more geopolitical Europe. We want to turn the EU into a security union, reach decisions faster & create a green Weimar Triangle. - @ABaerbock
5 month ago El ministre d'Afers Exteriors alemany, Baerbock, arriba a Kíev per a una visita
El Ministeri de Defensa alemany acaba de publicar una nova llista de països que contribueixen a la iniciativa alemanya IAAD, que té com a objectiu reforçar la defensa aèria d'Ucraïna.
5 month ago El secretari del Tresor dels Estats Units Yellen a Alemanya: "Rússia ha apostat perquè la seva brutal agressió pot perdurar més que la nostra determinació col·lectiva. Però hem demostrat que quan un dictador pren mesures que amenacen la nostra gent, les nostres economies i l'ordre basat en regles, no retrocedirem. ."
Scholz: France and Germany are deeply concerned about the situation in Georgia. Both our countries have always supported Georgia's European path. It has been charted – but speed and direction of moving forward depend on Georgia
Segons el Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors, l'ambaixador a Rússia Alexander Graf Lambsdorff es quedarà a Berlín durant una setmana i després tornarà a Rússia. La mesura segueix el suposat ciberatac rus contra l'SPD
6 month ago Scholz in Lithuania: The Chancellor assures defence against Russian aggression. President Nauseda, however, calls for more speed in setting up the German brigade in Lithuania. @RND_de
Russia denies its involvement in the cyber attack on Germany
Burning factory hall: Berlin fire brigade warns of smoke gases
6 month ago There is also a larger pro-Palestinian supporter group that is prevented by the police from entering the HU grounds. Journalists are repeatedly attacked aggressively and shielded
6 month ago 170 firefighters are deployed in Lichterfelde. A factory building in which chemicals are stored is burning. In addition to firefighting, air quality measurements are being carried out continuously in the city and the area of operation. As is usual with large fires: avoid smoky areas
6 month ago Major fire in Lichterfelde Smoke is moving northwards and a warning has been issued. Advice on what to do if you smell fire in the area of the warning map:-Keep windows and doors closed. -Turn off air conditioning. -Avoid smoky areas