Kremlin-backed disinformation campaign targets German parliamentary elections via hundreds of fake news sites. @correctiv_fakt and @NewsGuardRating have linked the sites to "Storm-1516," a new Russian influence op targeting the Feb. 23 Bundestag election
Merz at Körber: "It is inconceivable that the PM of Israel cannot visit EU countries because of the ICC arrest warrant. A political way must be found to ensure that this does not happen
German Chancellor: Trump will pose a challenge to us
German Chancellor: Berlin, Paris can do more together in defense
AfD Saxony fails in court: Party can be classified as definitely right-wing extremist
The official start of Chemnitz as a cultural capital was accompanied by right-wing extremist demonstrations and counter-protests. Over 1,000 police officers were deployed
Lithuania will lift defence spending to between 5% & 6% of GDP from 2026 up from just over 3% now
Over 16.000 protesters took to the streets Thursday night in Hamburg as far-right candidate Alice Weidel spoke at an event in the townhall. Organizers of the demonstration under the motto "Everyone against the AfD and Alice Weidel" had expected around 2000 people
1 месяц тамуЗяленскі: Супраць нашага сяброўства ў НАТО выступаюць ЗША, Вугоршчына, Славакія і Нямеччына.
German Chancellor: Gaza ceasefire agreement must be fully implemented
Michael Roth, Bundestag's Foreign Affairs committee chair, is visiting Georgia. A strong advocate of new elections, @MiRo_SPD has so far met with the opposition and visited the protest site on Rustaveli Avenue
Germany Interior Ministry says that supporters of Assad regime may try to travel to Europe and will face legal prosecution in Germany
German Foreign Minister to Participate in Expanded Conference on Syria in Riyadh
Protests at AfD party conference in Riesa: "Scuffles because police are very strict about securing the roads"
Police: Our operation on the occasion of the federal party conference in Riesa and the associated counter-protest is ongoing. In the course of the operation, six emergency personnel have been slightly injured so far
The opening of the congress of the German political party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has been postponed. People were unable to attend on time due to all the protests in the area
The Panamanian-flagged oil tanker "Eventin" (274m long and 48m wide) has gotten immobile off the Baltic Sea island of Rügen (Germany). The ship carries 99,000 tonnes of oil. According to Greenpeace, it is part of Russia's Shadow Fleet
Прэзідэнт Украіны Уладзімір Зяленскі на сустрэчы кантактнай групы па Украіне на авіябазе Рамштайн у Германіі заклікаў саюзнікаў падтрымаць вытворчасць баявых беспілотнікаў ва Украіне.
AFP: Вашынгтон анансуе новы пакет ваеннай дапамогі Украіне на 500 мільёнаў долараў
1 месяц тамуПрэзідэнт Украіны Зяленскі далучыўся да сустрэчы ў фармаце Rammstein па ваеннай падтрымцы Украіны
France and Germany Foreign Ministers arrive to Damascus
Steinmeier announces dissolution of the Bundestag and date for new elections news
German Interior Minister: "Yesterday's attack was carried out on an anti-Muslim basis"
2 месяц тамуTaleb Al A. is apparently not only a critic of Islam, but also a supporter of the AfD and extreme right-wing activists. He is followed by several officials of the party
German official: We cannot currently rule out further deaths due to serious injuries
2 месяц тамуReports of over 60 Injured, after a Car drove Full-Speed into a Christmas Market in the Eastern German City of Magdeburg, with Police investigating the Incident as a Terrorist Attack
German media: The driver involved in the run-over accident has been arrested
Канцлер Шольц: Сёння падчас маёй тэлефоннай размовы з абраным прэзідэнтам ЗША Трампам мы пагадзіліся з тым, што важна як мага хутчэй стаць на шлях да справядлівага і справядлівага міру ва Украіне. Украіна можа разлічваць на Германію
The German Bundestag just voted to amend the constitution to protect Germany's Constitutional Court from anti-democratic forces. The move comes as fears rise that an authoritarian party could soon gain enough power to interfere with the judiciary
2 месяц тамуКанцлер Германіі Шольц прыбыў з наступным паведамленнем: Паколькі мы так моцна падтрымліваем Украіну, мы павінны пазбягаць перарастання ў вайну паміж Расіяй і NATO. Гэта тое, чаго я дамагаюся на гэтай сустрэчы.