17 Септември 2024
3 седмично назад
German Bild: Police arrest Syrian from refugee center after Solingen stabbing
3 седмично назад
German police: We are raiding a building in Solingen following a stabbing attack
The Islamic State has claimed the Solingen stabbing attack.3 седмично назад
The Islamic State has claimed the Solingen stabbing attack.
3 седмично назад
German Interior Minister: Security services are doing everything they can to arrest the attacker in the stabbing incident in Solingen, western Germany
3 седмично назад
Several fatalities in stabbing attack on Solingen, Germany, according to local reports
3 седмично назад
German Lufthansa: Suspension of flights to Beirut until September 30
3 седмично назад
Върховният представител на ЕС по външната политика: Съкращенията на германската помощ за Украйна са тревожни
3 седмично назад
Нивото на сигурност във въздушната база на НАТО Гайленкирхен беше повишено въз основа на разузнавателна информация, показваща потенциална заплаха. Целият основен персонал извън мисията е изпратен у дома като предпазна мярка
4 седмично назад
German Foreign Ministry summons Iranian ambassador in Berlin
4 седмично назад
EU Commission approves Germany's €5bn mega-subsidy package for TSMC's semiconductor factory investment in Dresden.“The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €5 billion German measure to support European Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘ESMC') in the construction and operation of a microchip manufacturing plant in Dresden. ESMC is a joint venture between Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (‘TSMC'), Bosch, Infineon, and NXP. The measure will strengthen Europe's security of supply, resilience and digital sovereignty in semiconductor technologies, in line with the objectives set out in the European Chips Act Communication
4 седмично назад
Говорителят на германското външно министерство: Подкрепата на Берлин за Украйна е постоянна и ще продължи, докато е необходимо
4 седмично назад
Говорител на Министерството на финансите на Германия: Работим интензивно върху създаването на международен финансов инструмент за Украйна
1 месец назад
US approves $5 bn Patriot missile sale to Germany: statement
1 месец назад
Украинският президентски съветник Михайло Подоляк отрече участието на страната си в експлозиите, които повредиха газопровода "Северен поток 2", и вместо това посочи с пръст Русия в коментари за Ройтерс в четвъртък
NATO has clarified earlier comments by a Bundeswehr spokesperson on a security alert at the Geilenkirchen base, after a suspected case of sabotage: "The base was at no time sealed off. We checked the water, it is okay, and the base is accessible."
1 месец назад
German Foreign Ministry: Government condemns Israeli ministers' visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque
1 месец назад
Another German military base - Geilenkirchen, housing Nato AWACS aircraft - sealed off due sabotage with similar reports of tap water being contaminated. One person arrested
1 месец назад
The German army has confirmed that it is investigating a possible act of sabotage at a barracks near Cologne. According to media reports, soldiers on site have been told not to drink from the water supply amid fears it has been contaminated
1 месец назад
President Biden spoke mid morning with the leaders of UK, France, Germany and Italy about Middle East, John Kirby says
Leaders of UK, France and Germany call for a ceasefire and release of hostages as the slaughter mounts in Gaza1 месец назад
Leaders of UK, France and Germany call for a ceasefire and release of hostages as the slaughter mounts in Gaza
1 месец назад
German Chancellor to Netanyahu: It's time to finalize prisoner release, ceasefire deal
1 месец назад
German Foreign Ministry spokesperson on possible Middle East evacuations: there is a false sense of security among citizens in Lebanon @Reuters
1 месец назад
German Lufthansa: Suspending flights to Tel Aviv, Tehran and Beirut until August 12
1 месец назад
Due to a fire in a cable duct in the German capital Berlin, there are disruptions to long-distance, regional and commuter services, rail operator Deutsche Bahn says
1 месец назад
The German government has deported the Iran government-linked Imam of the Islamic Center in Berlin, Nasir Niknejad, according to information obtained by Iran International's correspondent in Berlin
1 месец назад
Biden thanked 5 allied countries—Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Norway, Turkey—for helping clinch prisoner deal "This is a powerful example of why it's vital to have friends in this world whom you can trust and depend upon" Biden says
1 месец назад
Според The Insider Русия е освободила: - Евън Гершкович, - Владимир Кара-Мурза (чуждестранен агент), - Лилия Чанишева, - Иля Яшин (чуждестранен агент), - Ксения Фадеева, - Андрей Пивоваров, - Пол Уилън, - Алса Курмашева, - Олег Орлов (чуждестранен агент), - Саша Скочиленко, - Дитер Воронин, - Кевин Лик, - Рико Кригер, - Патрик Шобел, - Херман Мойжес, - Вадим Останин. В замяна на журналисти, правозащитници и опозиционери, както и бивш американски морски пехотинец, западните страни се съгласиха да се откажат от: - Вадим Красиков (от Германия), - Артем Дулцев (от Словения), - Анна Дульцева (от Словения), - - Михаил Микушин (от Норвегия), — Павел Рубцов (от Полша), — Роман Селезньов (от САЩ), — Владислав Клюшин (от САЩ), — Вадим Конощенко (от САЩ).
1 месец назад
German Lufthansa Group: Extending the cancellation of flights to and from Beirut until August 12
1 месец назад
German airline Lufthansa temporarily suspends all flights to Israel from this evening until August 8
In the coming hours there will be an exchange of prisoners between the Russian Federation, the USA, Germany and Belarus, - Slovenian TV channel. 2 Russian spies caught in Slovenia also will be exchanged1 месец назад
In the coming hours there will be an exchange of prisoners between the Russian Federation, the USA, Germany and Belarus, - Slovenian TV channel. 2 Russian spies caught in Slovenia also will be exchanged